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Are There Natural or Better Alternatives to Antidepressants

Taking natural alternative antidepressant treatment for depression is way better than antidepressant medications. Natural antidepressant foods, natural antidepressant supplements and a variety of therapies that use alternative remedies are just some of the natural depression treatment solutions that how does sam-e affect fertility many depression sufferers turn to. Natural alternatives to antidepressants are known to be one of the safest options when it comes to successfully and effectively treating depression.

Antidepressant Medication Information

Antidepressant medications work generally by improving serotonin activity in the brain. Even though, these medications are used for treating major depressive conditions, these drugs are also known for their many side effects like:

•    Low heart rate
•    Reduced levels of consciousness
•    Depressed respiration
•    Reduced levels of cognitive activity
•    Sometimes, death in kids

Unlike natural depression treatment, omega 3 fatty acids supplements, antidepressant medications can cause a whole lot of structural damage to the brain when used for a long period of time – this because of the drugs’ inherent role in the human metabolism.

Reasons For Depression

Many people across the world get depressed for different reasons, a couple of which include:

•    Ill health
•    Stress
•    Chemical imbalance in brain
•    Environmental factors

Instead of just getting over it, people who are depressed most times require a natural mood booster in order to get over the disorder. According to the NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health), depression symptoms may include the following:

•    Constant empty or sad feeling
•    Loss of appetite and energy
•    A lack of interest in work, hobbies or even socializing

Understanding Depression

Depression can actually come in a variety of forms which range from mild to moderate to very serious. People who suffer from mild depression often have difficulty in sustaining their normal activities. Those who suffer from moderate depression have a problem functioning well at their place of work or participating in social activities. Those who suffer from severe depression may experience hallucinations or delusions, have difficulties functioning normally and may even commit suicide.

One may be at a greater risk of developing depression based on their type of genes; drug and alcohol abuse can also worsen depression symptoms. Natural depression treatment is the best way to lift your spirits and live your life, depression-free.

Alternative antidepressant like consuming certain natural mood booster foods is indeed one of the best and safest ways to treat depression. Alternative antidepressant supplements sold on the market include: St. John’s Wort, Kava Kava, Ginkgo Biloba and 5-hydroxyrtyptophan.

Natural mood booster foods that are normally used as effective natural antidepressant for depression sufferers include:
•    Dark chocolate
•    Walnuts
•    Turkey and Chicken breasts
•    Mackerel and salmon
•    Spinach
•    Whole wheat
•    Cheese (Cheddar, Parmesan and Swiss)
•    Popcorn
•    Citrus fruits
•    Water

The great thing about alternative antidepressant treatment is that one will not have to worry about side effects (which are normally associated with taking antidepressant medications). If you are allergic to certain kinds of foods, you will need to talk to your healthcare provider, so that he/she can recommend a natural depression treatment that will be perfect for you.