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Are Women More Susceptible To Mood Disorders

The term mood disorder is a very generalized term and can mean any number of problems of the mind that have their basis in mood fluctuations as the underlying reason. For instance depression is a mood disorder, as is SAD.

Mood Disorder Symptoms

Generally the accepted belief is that women are more prone to displaying mood disorder symptoms than men are. There is a lot of mood disorder information male mood swings where statistics show that more women are affected by mood disorder than men are.

Quite a bit of this belief is based on the reasoning that women in general are more moody than men are. Women are emotional and are prone to mood swings. Most psychiatrists accept the fact that hormonal imbalances in the body during menstruation can cause huge mood disorder symptoms.

Mood Disorder Information

There are however a few people who say that the statistics may be a little skewed. For instance anyone who has any what to do before using licorice information will agree that up to the age of 12 or so, the percentage of boys and girls with mood disorder is roughly the same.

It is only after this that the percentage tends to change. Until now it was always assumed that it was because small girls were more prone to child abuse at about the time that they reach puberty than were small boys.

However true this statement, it is now being considered that the difference could also be helped by the fact that even though boys may display mood disorder symptoms, our cultures prevent boys from seeking help and getting mood disorder medication. He is expected to deal with his problems himself which means that there are far fewer boys and men who seek help for their mood disorder than women.

Natural Antidepressant Reviews

Many men just take natural antidepressant supplements as a mood disorder medication because they tend to feel better. Also a number of men go into substance abuse for the same reason, to alleviate their mood disorder symptoms. The problem with things like alcohol is that while people may start to drink as a sort of mood disorder medication even though it isn’t, over time the consumption of alcohol will in fact increase the chances of that person getting full blown depression.

Although taking natural antidepressant supplements may not be dangerous per se, it is not recommended without consulting with a doctor. Many times these supplements will contain herbs that may have a deleterious effect on other medication that you may be taking. Also many of these natural antidepressant supplements will give you serious side effects if you overdose yourself regularly.

Women tend to talk things out with others and are therefore more inclined towards seeking professional help. This theory may have grounds in reality considering that men with depression have three times the chances of committing suicide than women.
It is therefore a little difficult to say whether men or women are more susceptible to displaying mood disorder symptoms. As of now the consensus opinion seems to be that it is women. This opinion is however being called into question and may change in the future with more mood disorder information.