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Benefits of Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is one of the most important water soluble vitamins in the body that plays a central role in several physiological processes. Since Vitamin B6 and niacin is abundantly available in several food products such as vegetables, meat, beans, cereals, eggs etc. getting healthy with this vitamin is relatively easy.  Some of the benefits of Vitamin B6 surely outweigh the convenience factor. In other words, not many other nutrients in the body are so readily available and exhibit such great health benefits. The benefits of Vitamin B6 stretch across various bodily functions making it one of the most vital vitamins from the Vitamin B-Complex group.

Vitamin B6 Information

One of the best known benefits of Vitamin B6 is its role in anemia. Patients suffering from anemia usually have the problem of poor blood circulation in the body coupled with irregular heart functions. Vitamin B6 solves this problem by improving blood circulation which, in turn, reflects on heart health. Again, dosage of Vitamin B6 plays a vital role in the metabolizing of lipids and cholesterol which reflects on cardiovascular health greatly. Apart from this, Vitamin B6 is also known to boost the production of red blood cells.

Vitamin B6 Importance

Vitamin B6 is an important element for the human immune system as well. The vitamin is central in the production of several antibodies that help ward off diseases and infections. Vitamin B6 has a big hand to play in the digestion of proteins. So, anyone with a high protein diet also requires a good dose of Vitamin B6 to make sure the digestion is in place.

Effects of Vitamin B6

One of the most interesting roles of Vitamin B6 is its contribution to various neurological process. Vitamin B6 boosts the production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin which are very useful for their role in mood regulation. This is why most depression natural remedies include the use of Vitamin B6 for the aforementioned effects. Vitamin B6 also maintains normalcy in communication of nerve cells and overall nerve functions. All these factors come together to make Vitamin B6 one of the most useful components of depression natural remedies.

Vitamin B6 Dosage

While Vitamin B6 does play a major role in depression natural remedies, it is also necessary to follow the right Vitamin B6 dosage to involve several side effects which may include nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, disorientation, muscle spasms etc. While Vitamin B6 is not harmful in its natural form, when taken in the form of supplements, an overdose can have drastic effects.

The Vitamin B6 dosage depends on several factors such as age of the individual, body type and medical predisposition etc. In this respect, adults are usually given doses of 1.3 milligrams to get the desired effect. Again, the Vitamin B6 dosage will change for children, old individuals, breastfeeding women, pregnant adults etc. For example, the Vitamin B6 dosage for a three year old child will be 0.5 milligrams and that for a pregnant woman would be 1.9 milligrams. A small change in dosage can have drastic effects making it essential to get this parameter right before starting with Vitamin B6 supplements.