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Can Someone's Diet Influence Their Supply Of Serotonin

Serotonin is a very important neurotransmitter, best known by the general public as the happiness hormone, because it plays an essential role in how we feel on a day to day basis. The biosynthesis of natural antidepressant in the human brain is aided by an essential amino-acid, named tryptophan; essential amino-acids can only be obtained from food, which is why the good serotonin effects cannot be obtained unless you eat a healthy diet, rich in foods that contain the major depression history mentioned above. Some may claim that ecstasy use can make you feel good, because it can release all the serotonin the brain has in store, but the depression felt soon after is enough of an argument against serotonin MDMA use. Here is some serotonin information on how to attain a diet that will provide you with enough serotonin to feel good every day.

There is a catch

Eating foods rich in tryptophan is a good idea, but not enough to cause the body increase its levels of serotonin. A diet containing protein rich foods is the best when it comes to tryptophan intake, but, once the are bananas important in boosting your mood is gotten through the system, it has to compete with others, in order to be processed and reach the brain. This is why, after serotonin ecstasy abuse, a meal rich only in proteins is not enough to replenish the depleted reserve of natural antidepressant.

What can be done

The positive serotonin effects can be triggered by getting enough tryptophan through food, but only with a condition: eat more carbohydrates, as well. A diet rich in carbs has the property of triggering the secretion of insulin. As serotonin information related to diet shows, insulin will determine the amino-acids from the food to be processed faster by the body. The only one that does not get processed this way is tryptophan, the amino-acid responsible for the biosynthesis of natural antidepressant in the brain, and for the pleasant serotonin effects. When you are after a serotonin MDMA abuse episode, keep in mind to eat a meal rich in carbohydrates and protein, as it is the best way to determine your brain secrete more of its important neurotransmitter right away. Although a serotonin ecstasy high episode may feel good, depleting your brain of its most important resources, such as serotonin, is never a good thing.

The role of vitamin B6

Besides getting plenty of tryptophan into your system, improving its rate of absorption is equally important. Vitamin B6 is very important for this process, according to the serotonin information provided by reliable sources. If you get enough vitamin B6 from foods or supplements, you help your brain use the tryptophan in order to make more serotonin. The result is the increase of natural antidepressant levels, and you will feel better. Vitamin B6 supplements are recommended for serotonin ecstasy abusers, as well, as it can help them achieve the needed balance in their brains. Serotonin MDMA use is often accompanied by unwanted side effects, and depleting the reserve of natural antidepressant is one of them.