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Can UV Light Therapy Be A Long Term Solution For Depression

Are you suffering from depression and looking for its treatment? If it is so that you are tired with the antidepressant medicines and their side effects and searching for treatment that has less side effects and still has significant results? If it is so, then you may be searching for long term solution for the problem of depression. Consuming tablets that have harmful side effects are tiresome steady your mood. If you search for UV light therapy information, you will find that it is very old therapy that is used in curing different illnesses. It is very simple to get treated with UV light therapy.

UV Light Therapy Information

Ultraviolet light therapy is one of the alternative therapies that give you remarkable results for depression. This UV light therapy acts as a natural antidepressant to relieve you from the depression. The UV light therapy effects are amazing and you can get relief in many illnesses like mood disorders, sleeping disorders, seasonal affected disorders etc.

Ultraviolet light therapy brings natural healing with it. All the secrets of healing are hidden in UV light therapy effects and also are kiwis an effective mood booster. When an individual undergoes UV light therapy, the brain and neuron cells are stimulated with it. This leads to generation of various chemical compound and enzymes within the body. It helps in developing self immune system to fight with the illness.

Knowing this UV light therapy information, now you may be interested in knowing how this treatment is given and is it possible at home. There are numerous light therapy boxes and apparatus available in the market. However, generally treatment is given in doctor’s clinic. Depending on severity of your problem, intensity of light and length of light treatment is decided by the therapist. The excess UV light therapy effects may cause skin drying.

UV Light Therapy Effects

Now, you may be wondering about if light therapy is long term solution for depression. The use of antidepressants as depression treatment is based on artificially increasing neurotransmitters and chemicals in the brain. These chemical changes are temporary and relax the depressive episodes. However, frequent and long term use of antidepressant causes harmful and long lasting effects on brain receptors and side effects range from tooth decay to seizures, fevers, and heart rhythm disturbances. Thus natural antidepressants are the best solution for it.

Ultraviolet light therapy is easy in implementation as well as you can take this treatment at home using guidelines given by the doctor/therapist. You have to take particular time length of light therapy as prescribed by the therapist. As it produces natural anti depressants within your body, there are no harmful side effects of this therapy.

It is beneficial to find out correct UV light therapy information in this regard. You can use light therapy for prolonged periods under the guidance of therapist. The mild side effects like headache, eye strains, sweating are seen in this therapy. However, they are negligible as compared with antidepressant medicines. It also improves your appetite, mood and sleep. Light therapy units are available for home treatments but it is preferred to use it in guidance of specialist. Now, you do not have any confusion that UV light therapy is a long term solutions for depression and you can use it safely.