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Can you get high off of L-Trytophan

L-Trytophan is a dietary supplement containing an essential amino-acid that is sold over the counter and it helps in treating depression, when the condition is not severe. Its most important role is to help the brain produce serotonin, the body’s most important natural antidepressant boost your mood. For this reason, L-Trytophan MDMA benefits are quite well known. Since depression is often linked to the low levels of serotonin, it is quite obvious why L-Trytophan is recommended for treating temporary depression. L-Trytophan ecstasy use is very widespread, because drug users often confront with the issue of low levels of natural antidepressant in their brains. Because getting high on drugs like ecstasy means to get high on serotonin, some believe that L-Trytophan can help achieving the same sensations as when on drugs. However, such L-Trytophan information should not be believed, for reasons that will be explained right away. Also, L-Trytophan side effects are quite severe, in case of an overdose.

Differences between L-Trytophan and ecstasy

Ecstasy is a drug that helps release a large amount of natural antidepressant into the brain; therefore, the high is very intense, and it causes a lot of pleasant sensations. L-Trytophan, on the other hand, is a precursor of serotonin, and it helps the brain replenish the lost reserve and also are there any genetic risks involced with anxiety. There is a popular, yet wrong, belief that L-Trytophan can get someone high, because it can raise the levels of serotonin. The difference between L-Trytophan and ecstasy is very important; while the first can help the brain recover from serotonin loss, the latter exploits the existing reserve to the maximum. L-Trytophan ecstasy advantages do exist, but they are not of the kind some may expect.

Why you cannot get high on L-Trytophan

It is very important to understand that L-Trytophan MDMA use cannot help someone get high. The process through which L-Trytophan helps the brain rebuild the lost serotonin is quite slow and it does not more than alleviate the post-depression episode occurring after taking drugs. Even if it can get the levels of natural antidepressant to normal values, L-Trytophan cannot force the serotonin receptors to deplete the reserve, as the drug does.

What L-Trytophan does for the brain

Although L-Trytophan side effects are a reality, using this supplement for treating depression can be quite beneficial. Taking L-Trytophan makes someone sleep better, and a general feeling of well being will install. L-Trytophan ecstasy uses are associated with these effects of the amino-acid, since it serves to be well rested and in a positive state of mind before going through a drug abuse.

Where does L-Trytophan information related to getting high come from

The possibility of L-Trytophan getting someone high is nothing more but wishful thinking. Since supplements containing L-Trytophan are sold over the counter, it is an easy solution to treat depression. However, it does nothing more than this, and its L-Trytophan MDMA uses are only limited. While it can make the hangover from ecstasy a more bearable experience, it will never get someone high. Do not believe L-Trytophan information telling you this, and remember to consider L-Trytophan side effects when deciding to use such supplements to treat your depression.