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Club Drugs and Serotonin Receptors

Serotonin receptors exist inside specialized brain cells and their role is to flush out the natural antidepressant the body makes when it is needed. While their activity is regulated by natural processes inside the brain, this activity is messed up when club drugs come into play. During recent years, research studies have tried to demonstrate that using too many club drugs for a prolonged period of time can lead to severe brain damage. While it seems that the jury is still out on whether permanent damage is among club drugs effects on the long term or not, there is a truth about club drugs information now readily available that scientists are trying to prove.

How Serotonin Receptors Work

The structure of nervous cells is specific and complicated, and serotonin receptors are just part of a far more complex mechanism. Since serotonin is a natural antidepressant, its roles are multiple. Although known as the happiness hormone, serotonin is much more than that; it helps in the process of learning and memorizing new habits and things. If this balance is messed up, problems of mental nature can occur. According to some club drugs information recently revealed, the prolonged consumption of this type of substances can lead to down-regulation of brain activities that are vital, especially during the growth period. Normally, serotonin receptors work at a certain rhythm and they release small quantities of natural antidepressant from time to time. This is how the brain usually works; when taking club drugs, the situation changes dramatically.

When Club Drugs Kick In

When someone takes some kind of club drugs, the entire reserve of serotonin is flushed by the specialized receptors. The brain receives the signal that the reserve is depleted, but only after the club drugs effects take place. It also takes a while until the body gets rid of all the flushed natural antidepressant, and sends a signal to the brain to produce more of the happiness hormone. What happens between the serotonin high caused by the club drugs and the moment when the brain receives the aforementioned signal is what can cause the destruction of serotonin receptors.

When Destruction Starts

Since the brain knows that its serotonin receptors have worked to release the natural antidepressant, each specialized cell withdraw its receptors, considering that they completed their job. However, serotonin is not the only hormone released by the brain during club drugs consumption. Dopamine is also released, and this hormone enters the serotonin cells, as well. As some club drugs information revealed by scientific studies shows, dopamine can be very toxic to these cells, and it can affect them tremendously. Oxidation starts inside the cells, a process that can lead to early aging and even their death.

How Worried Should You Be

The only thing that keeps scientists from clearly stating that club drugs are incredibly dangerous is the fact that it was observed that the human brain has the ability to re-grow its serotonin receptors, and permanent damage to the mental health of club drugs users is yet to be demonstrated. However, when taken for many years, club drugs effects can lead to very unpleasant consequences and this is a fact that should not be taken lightly.