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Club Drugs Immediate Effects

The use of club drugs is increasing as the dance parties at clubs and bars are becoming more popular. The suppliers of the club drugs are not regulated. They are illegal and there is all the chance that these drugs could be contaminated by the time they are used, resulting in unpredictable after effects.

Common Club Drugs

The most common club drugs are lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), Methamphetamine (Speed), Rohypnol (Rophies), Ketamine (Special K), Gamma Hydroxyl Butyrate (GHB), and Methyline Dioxy Methamphetamine (Ecstasy).

There are various effects of club drugs. Ecstasy was first used as an appetite suppressant and a natural anti depressant. It was found to have hallucinogenic properties. This pill causes an increase in the heart rate. If taken in high doses, it can cause total brain damage. It increases receptive sensitivity to music as it exhilarates. The experience of colors and sound may be more intense. The effects of club drugs comedown with Ecstasy are not so appealing. They increase anxiety and bring us extreme paranoia. People feel emotionally and physically drained. The club drugs information reveals that Ecstasy can affect the memory functions too.

Club Drugs Information

GHB was first used to release a growth hormone to build muscles. It can cause breathing problems and temporary loss of the senses.  One of the main reasons why GHB is so popular in the clubs is because of its effect on music. There is an intensifying effect on tones and volume. It brings intense dizziness and amnesia as effects of club drugs comedown.

Ketamine was taken out first as a natural anti depressant and an anaesthetic drug and later was latched on to as a hallucinogen. It affects our memory and respiratory organs if taken in large doses.

Rohypnol is similar to Valium as a sedative and affects our memory causing temporary amnesia. The effects of club drugs comedown with Rohypnol cause pain in the muscles and make us extremely anxious.

Speed is similar to cocaine and with longer use can damage our heart and nerves. LSD is taken for its capacity to increase hallucinations. It is the strongest hallucinogen known to us. It can numb our senses, blur our vision and cause extreme nausea. These are the well known immediate effects of club drugs.

Club Drugs Effects

When we probe into the club drugs information, we learn that the effects of club drugs can be very harmful on our liver also by disturbing its metabolism and making us suffer from chemical hepatitis, resulting in the inflammation of the liver. These drugs will also have some type of effect on our nerve cells. They can have negative effects on our brain resulting in behavioral problems leading to mood swings and loss of control over body movements. Insomnia and seizures have also been reported as common ill effects of the club drugs.

They may be fun drugs but they come with a very heavy price attached to them when they wreck our health. The people are attracted towards these club drugs because of the misleading club drugs information that is spread among the teens in high schools and colleges. They are led to believe that some of these drugs are a natural anti depressant.

They start believing it because they experience that they are becoming highly sensitive and attached to others and that they are feeling happy. The club drugs information tells us that most of the club drugs users are between the ages of sixteen and twenty five. Most of these youngsters will try to convince us that club drugs are harmless but we cannot fall in the trap as none of these club drugs are harmless. They have many negative effects on our health.