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Club Drugs More Dangerous To Women Than Men

Club drugs use dangers are relevant for both men and women, though it can be somewhat more dangerous to women owing to the difference in physical construction of men and women. Men do not have to bear babies so in women there is an additional risk of affecting the baby if the woman is a club drugs addict. This is one of the most serious club drug dangers that anyone should be aware of.

Club Drugs Information

There are different kinds of club drugs, some are more dangerous than others. Another notorious club drugs use dangers is that they have been associated with sexual assault on women and men too. These notorious club drugs use dangers have earned them the bad name of being date rape drugs. The article here presents important club drugs danger information and how to avoid them. Also, here is presented information on how to deal with club drugs dangers in the smart way by gathering useful club drugs information from the net and take an informed decision regarding the same. Useful Information is the only way to save yourself from the abusive club drugs.

Kinds of Club Drugs

There are different kinds of club drugs, and some are least addictive and some others are very addictive. For example there are drugs like molly or ecstasy which are somewhat least addictive than other club drugs but they are nevertheless dangerous. Then again there are club drugs other than ecstasy or molly ,which are very very dangerous. Since molly is by far the most popular club drugs, rather the original club drug , therefore this article is primarily dedicated to describing the effects of molly and how to avoid club drug dangers associated with molly and other drugs.

Club Drugs Effects

The first point that you should consider is that none of the club drugs are natural antidepressant magic pills. In fact depression is a state of mind and there are no miraculous drugs available to get rid of depression. Of course there are some drugs like ecstasy which facilitates an increased release of the natural antidepressant serotonin in the brain, yet none of the club drugs are natural antidepressants. These are all synthetic chemicals illegally manufactured in drug laboratories therefore there is nothing natural or organic about them. The actual natural antidepressant are the serotonin or dopamine or the noradrenaline that are released in the body under the influence of these club drugs. It is crucial to note that the secretion of these neurotransmitters in the body can be heightened by means other than club drugs use too. This club drugs danger information is meant to help you avoid the nasty effects of club drugs.

Another of the club drugs use dangers parameters is that these drugs may consist of impurities like heroin or cocaine mixed with them. These impurities can in fact have quite a debilitating impact of the user, a man or woman. Avoiding these impurities is important and that can be done through the help of internet sites. Also club drugs mixed with alcohol can cause serious club drugs use dangers on the body and mind so it is important never to associate alcohol with the club drugs.