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Constantly Thinking About XTC After Trying It

No individual becomes an addict by choice. No one would want to go through the bad experiences that come from addictions. Still, we see more and more people getting addicted to drugs such as XTC. To understand why people obsess about the natural antidepressant, it is first necessary to understand its XTC effects. Most people resort to drugs and alcohol because it rids them from certain psychological distress. XTC, also known as Ecstasy or MDMA, causes people to feel extremely euphoric and fulfilled which helps them fight anxiety and depression.


XTC information reveals that the effects of ecstasy are stronger than any other natural antidepressant that a doctor can prescribe. Depending on how miserable the individual’s life is, XTC is the perfect form of release be it anxiety, depression or frustration. It is for this release that more and more people resort to this natural antidepressant. However, this does not mean that people who are reasonably happy do not enjoy the drug. Even these individuals benefit from the drug as it gives them a highly spiritual and transcendent surge of emotions. XTC effects have something for everyone due to which addiction becomes a realistic threat.

XTC Addiction

However, people on ecstasy are so obsessed by this feeling that they do not care about the repercussions. XTC information states that the favorable effects of XTC are only temporary. In fact, the feelings that follow are far worse than what these individuals would feel otherwise. Some of the psychological XTC effects that can accompany an ecstasy comedown may include depression, anxiety, paranoia and so on. People suffering from these after effects do not realize that these are the effects of ecstasy. Instead, they feel that they need a higher dose of the drug to get rid of these feelings and this is when the deadly chain reaction starts taking effect.

Soon, the user is sucked into this self-destructive pattern and as the dose keeps increasing. They loose the power to fight difficult situations in life and depend on the drug to feel good. Even a small incident triggering sad feelings can push these individuals to take a dose of the drug to feel better. However, XTC information reveals that once an individual become too regular with the drug, the body develops a tolerance towards the natural antidepressant. This means that the brain no longer releases serotonin to cause euphoric feelings but only releases dopamine for other effects.

XTC Addiction Effects

Most ecstasy related addictions and obsessions can be traced down to psychological factors. The key to solve this problem is to sort out depression without depending on any substance. Once an individual starts depending on ecstasy to tackle depression and sadness, the brain naturally forms a correlation between happiness and ecstasy. For this reason, every instant when the individual feels remotely depressed or anxious, popping a pill seems to be the only answer.

The psychological effects of XTC addiction are bad enough. However, XTC effects are not just restricted to psychology. They cause irreversible damage to the brain and other organs in the body. Depression or no-depression, resorting to a drug lie ecstasy to feel good is no better than stepping quicksand. The more you want to get out, the deeper it will pull you in.