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Cyclothymic Disorder Relief

Cyclothymic disorder (also known as Cyclothymia) is as a mild mood disorder where patients suffer mood swings between brief episodes of mild depression and an elevated mood (also called hypomania). The high and low mood swings typically do not result in the severity of mania or major depression.  Cyclothymia is an illness which is pretty much like “bipolar”; but people who suffer from this illness are known to have much milder symptoms than those with advanced case of bipolar disorder.

How Does Cyclothymic Disorder Affect People

Cyclothymia affects both men and women, and according to statistics about 0.4 – 1 percent of people in the United States suffer from Cyclothymic. Also knowing the unipolar depression definition helps. The symptoms of Cyclothymia typically start in adolescence or during early adulthood. It is usually quite difficult to identify the onset of this disorder.

In Cyclothymia the sufferer’s mood swing from hypomania to depression and fluctuates again. According to experts, the pattern of this disorder in most patients is typically irregular and not predictable.

Depression and hypomania can last for a couple of days, weeks or even months! In between the episodes of mood swings, the sufferer may experience Normal moods for over a month or the mood swings may cycle incessantly, with no experience of “normal” mood in between.

In comparison to much more severe mood disorders, the Cyclothymia symptoms are pretty mild. The depressive symptoms of this mood disorder never results in major depression. The sufferer’s elevated moods never result in medical diagnosis of mania.

Cyclothymic disorder is an illness that can actually straddle the line between medical definition of mental ailment and normal difference in personality and mood. People who have really mild symptoms of Cyclothymia go on to be successful individuals, and are compelled by their elevated mood to express their individual talent. But, irritability and severe depression can ruin professional and personal relationships.

Cyclothymic Disorder Relief

Cyclothymia is a condition that typically goes undiagnosed and not given proper treatment. A lot of patients display mild symptoms and many of them do not bother to seek treatment. For some like treating postpartum psychosis, an urgency is needed. As a matter of fact, some people do not even bother to find any Cyclothymic disorder relief which will help reduce their up and down episodes.

The depressive symptoms of this condition are known to be rather frequent, quite unpleasant and crippling than the episodes of elevated moods. Feelings of instability or depression are typically what cause sufferers to seek Cyclothymic disorder relief.

Most times doctors recommend mood stabilizers in order to treat Cyclothymia or at least lower mood swings.

Cyclothymic Disorder Natural Remedies

Certain types of foods are known to be good Cyclothymic disorder natural remedies because they make people with Cyclothymia experience a pleasant mood boost. The following foods are known to be mood boosting foods:

•    Brazil nuts
•    Bananas
•    Sardines
•    Chocolate
•    Oysters
•    Ice cream
•    Chicken and Turkey

The fastest and most effective way to reduce mood swings is by using efficacious supplements. Supplement that contain effective Cyclothymic disorder natural remedies like a combination of all natural and powerful ingredients that have been known since time immemorial to help boost the mood. Mood boosting ingredients like L-Theanine, St. John’s Wort, and Rhodiola Rosea which will help uplift your mood if used on a day to day basis.