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Dealing with Stress

Stress can be caused by a wide variety of factors, including relationship problems, major life changes, health problems, environmental factors like pressure from work, fatigue and life threatening event. Regardless of the cause, you need to understand stress management techniques to prevent chemical stress symptoms from worsening. Stress can affect both physical and mental health. If you experience large amounts of stress, you would feel tired, sick, and unable to think clearly and concentrate. Stress increases your blood pressure and heart rate, causes sleeping problems, slows down the digestive system and affects your immune system.  Dealing with stress effectively can help you lead a productive and healthy life.

Get Started on Stress Management

Managing stress can help you get back control over your life. Determining the causes of stress and thinking of ways to reduce stress are the keys to get rid of this problem.

Self Help

Exercise offers the most effective psycho-spirital stress relief. It creates a positive effect on your physical and mental state. It boosts feel good hormones called endorphins and distracts you from your worries. It elevates your mood, improves sleep and increases your self confidence. Any form of exercise can help you in dealing with stress efficiently. Walking, jogging, cycling, yoga, swimming, gardening and tai chi are some of the best exercises that help improve your fitness and reduce stress. Ensure that you choose an activity that you will enjoy.

Alcohol and Drugs

Many people resort to alcohol or drug to get relief from stress. However, they will not help you manage stress. Instead, they aggravate the stress symptoms, making it difficult to deal with. Hence, it is advisable to stay away from drugs and alcohol.


Diet plays a vital role in stress management. Ensure that your daily diet consists of fresh fruits and vegetables. Citrus fruits like oranges help curb stress hormones and provide you with great stress relief. Also take complex carbs, leafy vegetables, fatty fish like tuna and salmon and nuts. These foods help release feel good hormones and reduce the effects of stress.

Time Management

Time management not only helps boost your productivity but also helps you in dealing with stress. Plan each day so that you can accomplish more and get the feeling of having control over your life. Prioritize your tasks and delegate some work to others. Be sure to allot a few minutes for yourself.

Relaxation Techniques

Soothing messages, meditation, yoga and breathing exercises can help you stress relief quickly.

Managing stress can help you get numerous benefits. Stress is one of the major factors that lead you to overeat. Dealing with stress effectively can help you to get rid of this problem and improve your overall health. You can get a positive attitude and outlook in life, which in turn helps you develop and maintain good relationships with colleagues, friends and family members. Stress management helps you get control over your emotions. Reducing the negative effects of stress in your life can help you enjoy a satisfying, stress free life.