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Difference Between Club Drugs Abuse And Addiction

The terms substance abuse and addiction are used interchangeably in daily language. Strictly, in psychological language, the terms refer to different phenomena. So, technically speaking club drugs abuse is different on a biological and social level than club drugs addiction. To clarify what the exact difference is, here are the definitions of both terms:

Club drug abuse is the presence of one at least one of the following behaviors that persist for at least a year.

Club Drugs Abuse

•    The users’ vocational performance suffers. The reasons for declining performance at school can be traced nback to the club drug use
•    Participation in reckless behaviors is also a strong indicator of club drug abuse. If the user gets involved in activities that end up in harming someone else or themselves, there is a problem.
•    Realizing that the club drugs are causing discomfort in their social relationships and work, and result in distress ion the personal and professional lives, they tend to continue the use of club drugs.
•    Legal issues arise. This can be as a result of the accidents that usually follow club drugs abuse and emergencies one gets involved in. if the police is there for you and again it can all be traced down to the club drugs, know that you are abusing the club drugs.

Club Drugs Addiction

Addiction is more severe. Club drug abuse would finally lead to addiction. Practical implications are the same. Understand that addiction to club drugs is one of the club drugs abuse effects. Now, here is how addiction is identified. Mental health specialists have defines club drug addictions:

•    Tolerance is developed. This is one of the few most important key features of club drug addiction. Tolerance is a psychobiological phenomenon: a person when takes an Ecstasy pill for the first time, a single small pill would give him the high. As an effect of the little amount of MDMA ingested, he would experience a strong sense of excitement and euphoria. The first few experiences of club drugs would make some changes in your body, interfering with the neurotransmitter system and hence impacting the brain’s ability to experience pleasure on its own. As MDMA is a natural antidepressant, the body would start depending on the pill in order to experience pleasure. Its adaptability to Ecstasy would be such that next time the body would require more MDMA than the last time to experience the high. Resulting would be the persons behavior to increase the club drugs dose in order to feel the same level of excitement.

•    If the club drugs abuse is discontinued, unpleasantness is experienced. These unpleasant symptoms of depression anxiety and fatigue are called the withdrawal symptoms of club drugs abuse effects. As a result he turns to the club drug, the natural antidepressant to deal with the withdrawal.

•    Despite a strong effort to discontinue the use, the person fails to abstain from taking the club drugs.

The important thing to understand is that club drug abuse precedes club drug addiction.  It is never the other way round. So, when you start noticing the symptoms of club drug abuse in a friend or a child, make sure help is found before the person gets addicted.