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Do People With Bipolar Disorder Lie Compulsively

Based on the bipolar disorder information and researches, there is an association between lying and the bipolar disorder serotonin. It is not quite a common experience for those living or often interacting patients with bipolar disorder to become irritated at lies told by the bipolar disorder patient. However bipolar disorder and lying often seem to go hand in hand for most of the manic-depressives but this association is also grounded in more than a single source. The disorder can be much like depression but there is proper bipolar disorder medication available to completely treat the disorder. However if you are experiencing minor depression then a natural antidepressant can be the right solution.

Lying can be out of fear

One of the main reasons for the link between bipolar disorder and lying can be fear. Almost every lie is associated with fear or to the fear of some possible punishment. In fact it is the affair to be punished for the wrongs or mistakes done inadvertently or knowingly. So, refusing one’s role and when caught, is natural and what are some mild anxiety signs.  Those suffering from manic-depressives are more prone to commit mistakes like promiscuity, reckless behavior and extravagance and so devising lies for apology is also natural for manic-depressives. These can also be some of the bipolar disorder symptoms that you need to check, although they are not quite common.

Gather attention

There are also some other bipolar disorder symptoms associated to lying that you need to understand before you can take any bipolar disorder medication. The patients of bipolar often have the craving to maintain control over the situations and when they are among friends and family members, the need usually takes the form of lying. So, by making false statements to people, the manic-depressive person assumes that they are the gatherer of people’s attention and have controlled the situation because they dictate what people actually know.

Losing self control

According to bipolar disorder information, during episodes of bipolar or manic disorder and sometimes depression, the patient’s conscious nervous system usually loses control on what they say. This means that the brain of the bipolar disorder patient swirls out of normal control during these episodes. They utter whatever pops up in their mind and so tend to lie. Bipolar disorder and lying is also linked with another fact. The patients with this disorder usually experience hallucinations. These are mostly auditory hallucinations wherein sounds or voices that no one else hears are experienced by the patient and so they tell others about it. These stories are certainly lies to those who hear them. However some other forms of hallucinations might also occur such as manic-depressive complaining like some family member has looked at them in the kitchen while the accused dint do such thing. Therefore it is important to understand in such cases that reality is different for those who suffer from bipolar disorder and they are just telling what they believe and experience. There is proper bipolar disorder medication available that can cure the patient and so you need to see the doctor rather than just taking a natural antidepressant.