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Do Teenage Mood Swings Ever Disappear

The world of teens is poles apart from ours and is a forbidden territory for not only parents but all others older than them. According to how can I treat seasonal affective disorder, teenagers follow the Three F’s motto: freedom, friends, and focusing on themselves. It’s simply a part of their development. There is an incessant tug of war between their childhood and adulthood.

Mood Swing Information

The basic mood swing major depression information gathered by research has shown that the brain changes a lot during the teenage years, which leads to rapid physical and mental growth. One of the most prominent changes is that the body starts producing sex hormones. The physical changes that teenager experience makes them feel uncomfortable and confused. As a result of these physical changes, the teenagers experience mood swings.

Mood Swing Symptoms

Mood swing symptoms cannot be generalized. Every teenager goes through one or the other symptoms. Some experience eating disorders; others have sleeping problems. One of the most common mood swing symptoms are that the teenagers feel irritable and have a bad temper. They also develop indifference in their attitude and lack of motivation. Teenagers tire very easily and they also find difficulty in concentrating.

There are many ways to help teenagers in their years of turmoil. Mood swing/depression medication, natural anti depressants and various types of therapies are some of the ways to help out teenagers. One of the most effective therapies is Behavioral Therapy. It trains the teenager to keep the mind and body in control. They learn how to calm themselves and think effectively and thus make better decisions.

Moreover, Talk Therapy involves dealing the situation by communicating with family, friends or a therapist for support. Simply sharing our problems with someone makes us feel immediately better even without a solution to the problem.  So, the healing process starts just by talking and sharing with people around us.

Mood Swing Medication

However, in some cases, only therapies don’t help. Medication is also needed in order to assist the teenagers in their mood swings. Most of the doctors recommend natural anti depressants. They work by increasing the level of serotonin in the body. Low levels of serotonin in the body cause depression and mood swings, so natural anti depressants can work wonders for teenagers going through mood swings. Valerian, Kava Kava and St. Johns Wort are very famous anti depressant herbs.  They are available in the form of capsules and tablets too.

In worst case scenarios, doctors refer mood swing/depression medication, because if these extreme mood swings are ignored, they might turn into depression or a worse mental disorder. Therefore, mood swings need to be identified and treated accordingly in order to avoid further problems. Drugs like luvox, paxil, Prozac and Zoloft help in controlling anxiety, angst and depression.

However, the good news is that teenage mood swings aren’t for life time. It is just a phase which begins at the onset of puberty. We need to understand that teenagers experience sudden and rapid changes in their bodies, which doesn’t give them the capability to control their emotions. If we understand this, handling teenagers would be much easier.  In a few years’ time, when the teenager finally becomes an adult at the age of 19, the process of change is complete.  They finally develop a system in their body to control their emotions in a mature way.