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Does Anemia Cause Depression

Anemia is a condition of lesser red blood cells. Red blood cells are vital for our body. Oxygen which we inhale is transmitted from lungs to body with the help of red blood cells. The red blood cells carry the oxygen molecules and transmit them to all parts of the body. The hemoglobin present in the blood cell is responsible and post menopausal depression causes to absorb the oxygen molecules. Therefore when there are enough red blood cells in the body the oxygen supply is good which in turn provides us with energy.

People who suffer from anemia

The person suffering from anemia has small and deficient red blood cells. This results in poor oxygen carrying capacity. This leads to fatigue as the oxygen is not reaching to the important organs, also the research about natural treatments for depression on the brain. Low energy levels, fatigue, and moodiness are the depression symptoms. A proper medical checkup can only figure whether the cause of depression is due to anemia or not.

There are many factors responsible for anemia condition including heavy menstrual period, ulcers in the stomach, poor diet, pregnancy, etc. There are certain depression medications for the anemic condition.

Anemia side effects on the body

If you are suffering from depression then the good news is that it can be corrected by proper diet and medication. The iron supplement will increase the red blood cells in the body and the condition will get better. The depression symptoms due to anemia will eventually go away with proper intake of drugs.

If the depression symptoms are grave then you should also consult the psychotherapist. It might happen that there are other factors including anemia that are causing depression. Proper consultation with the doctor and with the help of depression medication you can overcome the depression easily.

Treating anemia and depression

You will get very useful depression information and information regarding the iron rich diet from your doctor or you can search it on internet. If you want to go for natural antidepressants then you can increase the iron rich food in your diet. Vegetables like spinach, beet, etc., are rich source of iron. You should have iron rich vegetable and fruits every day. This will increase the iron levels in your body and help to fight the adversities of depression.

When you are on iron medication or eating iron rich diet to improve hemoglobin and also fight depression, you should not have dairy products immediately. The milk or dairy products do not let the iron digest in your body. The natural antidepressant medications are also very helpful to fight the depressive symptoms which will make you feel good and in turn you will eat well and stay healthy.

The more serious kind of anemia known are megaloblastic anemia is caused due to vitamin B12 anemia and folic acid. It is responsible for anemia, inflammation in mouth and tongue. With time, it causes serious neurological and psychiatric conditions. The depression and fatigue-less is caused. Natural depression medications can be helpful in this regard.

You can get more depression information due to anemia online. You can fight the anemia and depression symptoms with proper treatment from doctor. You can also try natural antidepressants to have a lifelong health and happy life