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Does Ecstacy Lower Alcohol Tolerance

The ecstacy effects on the brain as well as other parts of the body of human being are quite complex and interact with the different neuro-chemical systems. Ecstacy induces the release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. This drug can directly have effect on the number of serotonin receptors. From ecstacy information you will also come to know that this drug also causes the release of various hormones such as prolactin, ACTH, oxytocin and vasopressin. It has not been completely understood why these psychoactive effects are induced by MDMA. Serotonin vesicles are caused by this drug in the neurons. This increases the concentration of serotonin in the synapses. There are certain harmful effects of MDMA on the human body and so many people prefer natural antidepressant. It also has effects on addiction as well as tolerance of alcohol.

Ecstacy Effects

There are different types of ecstacy effects that can be seen in people who intake this drug. Some of these effects are short term while others are long term effects. The behavioral and psychiatric changes are also influenced by the intake of MDMA. From the ecstacy information it can be understood that it also controls the serotonergic changes. Alcohol tolerance as well as addiction is also affected by ecstacy. Many people want to know how the tolerance of alcohol is affected by this drug. Alcohol is addictive physically for people who are suffering from alcoholism. MDMA on the other hand is not considered to be addictive physically but this belief is now challenged by recent studies. MDMA has been proved to be addictive for many people who are using it as a drug. It has become a popular club drug in the United States. Many people start to use it in order to get relief from depression but get addicted. Thus, different types of natural depressant are generally recommended for people suffering from stress and depression.

Tolerance of Alcohol

Tolerance of alcohol is not lowered down with the use of ecstacy. In fact there are several people who abuse both of them. They are influenced by the ecstacy effects as well as the effects of alcohol. The recreational use of both alcohol as well as MDMA has increased throughout the world. However till the recent times people had less information regarding their psychological effects. It has been seen in recent researches that there are chronic and acute psychological influence of extensive use of alcohol and MDMA. According to ecstacy information, this drug is an amphetamine derivative. It has shown several negative effects on the human body. The features of this drug differ from other stimulants and hallucinogens and so it is assigned to the class of entactogens.

Ethanol is the most popular type of alcohol that is found in the alcoholic beverages. It is considered to be a psychoactive drug. It affects the nervous system and increases the influence the effects of the neurotransmitter known as GABA. Thus both ecstacy and alcohol can lead to addiction. The tolerance of alcohol is not decreased by MDMA and both of the can be abused at the same time. So you must avoid the frequent intake of alcohol and prefer a natural antidepressant over MDMA.