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Does Tyrosine Treat Depression

Yes! Tyrosine treats depression. As per tyrosine information, tyrosine without any doubt is a natural antidepressant. It produces very important chemical substances, called neurotransmitters in our body. Tyrosine also produces thyroid hormones by combining with iodine in the thyroid gland. From these two important mood boosters (production of neurotransmitters and thyroid hormones) of tyrosine, it is crystal clear that tyrosine helps depression. Tyrosine information reveals that tyrosine maintains the chemical balance in the brain.

Disturbance in this chemical balance leads to depression, low mood and anxiety. Normally, tyrosine offers to elevate mood and relieves depression without any potential tyrosine side effects. Many tyrosine supplements are available in the market and claim to help depression, anxiety and low mood but beware of the bogus preparations.

Depression develops when chemical substances (neurotransmitters) are low or high in the brain tissues. Tyrosine keeps a balance among these chemical substances and suppresses the depression-like conditions.

How Tyrosine works

Nor-epinephrine, as per tyrosine information, is the main neurotransmitter which relieves depression. Hence, you may use who is st johns wort named for if you feel low in your everyday life. But, people with high blood pressure must avoid these supplements, as researchers have reported that tyrosine, in some people, may cause rise in the blood pressure. Some practitioners do not prefer tyrosine because of the fear of rise in blood pressure. Similarly, patients with bipolar disease must keep their selves away from the tyrosine supplements or tyrosine rich foods, as unexpected tyrosine side effects may happen to occur.

Studies on Tyrosine

Studies have shown that hypothyroidism causes depression and anxiety in the patients. Many people with hypothyroidism are found depressed and in low mood. Tyrosine can be helpful for such people as it enhances the production of thyroid hormones in the body. People with hypothyroidism feel better when they use regular doses of tyrosine supplements.

The effects of Tyrosine

On the contrary, some patients with hypothyroidism may not be benefited from tyrosine supplements due to less or total loss of thyroid tissue such as in total thyroidectomy. In these cases, other synthetic antidepressant (SSRI, MAO inhibitors) or natural antidepressant (omega 3 fatty acids) may be used.

In combination with other drugs, tyrosine may lead to serious tyrosine side effects. Tyrosine aggravates the effects of MDMA on the brain tissues. Tyrosine MDMA combination offers no positive effect, rather deteriorates the normal functions of the nervous tissues.

In tyrosine MDMA combination, MDMA concentrates dopamine in 5HT terminals in the nervous tissues and causes damage to serotonin neuronal terminals. Thus, tyrosine causes depression instead of helping the depressed people, as tyrosine MDMA combination increases dopamine and depletes serotonin.

Summarily, tyrosine benefits the people with depression or low mood to an adequate extent. Regular tyrosine dose of 7 to 30 grams per day is effective to treat the depression. More than 30 grams per day may cause tyrosine side effects such as overstimulation, restlessness, palpitation or arrhythmias, anxiety and insomnia. In order to decrease these side effects, take right and regular doses of tyrosine and avoid taking it with other drugs at the same time.