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Does UV Light Therapy Work for Dysthymyia

Dysthymia is a mood disorder with chronic depression but it is less severe than major depression. It is a kind of mild depression. Dysthymia is also called ill humor or bad state of mind. It has less severe symptoms than major depression but is long-lasting. It is very common in females than males. Dysthymia is chronic long-lasting form of depression with many symptoms of anxiety. To get out of this condition, patients really need help. Help is in the form of treatment. Methods of treatment may change from patient to patient. Methods of treatment are also different in different societies and cultures.

Types of Dysthymia Treatment

Most of the time people prefer synthetic antidepressants to treat the dysthymia. But, the treatment of dysthymia is long-lasting. Due to side effects of antidepressants, people may refuse to use antidepressants that are herbal antidepressants more common than prescription. In this state, natural antidepressants are the drug of choice. Patients may prefer natural antidepressants.

Natural antidepressants are very effective treatment of dysthymia. Some patients may also refuse to take natural antidepressants. UV light therapy information leads us to a new and effective way of treatment. UV light therapy is a good source of treatment for dysthymia.

UV Light Therapy Effects

UV light therapy affects on hormonal level indirectly. UV light therapy effects suppress the melatonin production and enhance the serotonin production. UV light therapy effects also reset the body’s clock. It is not good to use diffused white light because it may cause damage to both eyes and skin. UV light therapy effects are on several different levels and are beneficial. It directly vitalizes the individual to fight against mood-associated fatigue. When you are exposed to UV light therapy, it turns off melatonin production and increases the production of serotonin.

Melatonin is a sleep neurotransmitter, while serotonin gives us alertness and sense of well-being.  If you are not exposed to sunlight early in the morning, the production of melatonin could upset the body’s rhythm. Melatonin creates sleep pattern and disturb the body’s natural rhythm.  UV light therapy is very effective for mood disorders. UV light indirectly reaches to retina and affects the brain.

Light box therapy effects

During winter season, it is necessary to use light box. It corrects the internal body clock with external morning and evening. UV light therapy stimulates the neurotransmitters and boosts the mood. UV light therapy works like antidepressants and has no side effects. UV light therapy effects are produced only when UV light therapy is used daily.  Scheduled exposure of UV light therapy may regulate seasonal mood swings, sleeping patterns and create a sense of well being.

UV light therapy information gives us an effective way to treat the dysthymia. UV light therapy information reveals that we can gain potent antidepressant triad when UV light therapy is combined with omega-3 fatty acids. UV light therapy is very effective than medicine in many cases.

Summarily, UV light therapy is very effective to treat the dysthymia. Treatment for dysthymia with UV light therapy is approximately of twelve months. But, treatment should be started under the supervision of a medical professional.