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Driving On An MDMA Comedown

One of the most commonly utilized psychoactive medication by a large number of people, especially the younger generation is the medication called as ecstasy. Ecstasy is also called as MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine), it is a semisynthetic component of the amphetamine group of psychoactive medications. It is considered to be abnormal when it comes to the tendency it produces a sense of familiarity and closeness with others and weakens the sensations such as anxiety and fear. On the other hand, such MDMA Comedown Effects may lead some to recommend it as they probably have therapeutic advantages to some individuals. This is one of the primary reasons why MDMA or ecstasy is being used to serve psychotherapy.

Useful MDMA Comedown Information

Ecstasy or MDMA is a drug that provokes ecstatic emotions and feelings towards an intimate expression. The specialists state that some of the primaries MDMA Comedown Effects are normally attributed to MDMA are relatively consistent and predictable amongst users. Most of the drug rehab institutes state that users report a sensational effect within the next 30 to 60 minutes as soon as they have consumed, reaching a particular level that lasts around 4 to 6 hours which is followed by a ‘comedown’ period based on few hours and that may also be accompanied by tiredness and various other minor effects probably will last for anywhere from a few hours leading to a few days.

Some of the most common MDMA effects are as under:

•    Euphoria
•    Decreased insecurity and hostility
•    Increased feelings of relationship and confidence with others
•    Feelings of compassion towards others
•    Increased aptitude to discuss anxiety-provoking issues with extreme ease
•    A strong sense of self-acceptance and inner peace
•    Feelings of mental clarity and insightfulness
•    Strengthening of sensory parts, particularly proprioception, touch and hearing
•    The appetite decreases
•    Short-term memory descends

Other than these rapturous and thrilled effects, it also causes various other side effects which are:

•    Urinary preservation
•    irregular and unusual pupil dilation (Mydriasis)
•    Increased and augmented physical energy
•    Increased BP and heart rate
•    Increases the body temperature
•    Trisma (lockjaw)
•    involuntary and unconscious teeth grinding (Bruxia)
•    higher doses caused the lower jaw forward (Gurning)
•    uncontrollable, rapid eye movements (Nystagmus)

Use of MDMA may also lead to some extremely serious side effects, which normally lead to anxiety, and depression even after the individual has quit the drug. Moreover, it may also cause cognition impairment and long-term memory.

People have been coming across such situations when they are having a comedown and they also have to drive, the point here is if it is safe to drive a car on a MDMA come down? Being rational, it is purely dependent on the individual. There a large number of people who have been driving even when they should not be and as a result do not even come across any problems. On the other hand, it is recommended not to drive as it happens to be illegal. Furthermore, it could be extremely unsafe and such individuals may come across fatal accidents that could cause them their life.