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Drugs To Stay Away From When On Extasy

Extasy is a combination of the illicit drug ecstasy and Viagra. Ecstasy alone can be fatal and mixing it with Viagra and some other drugs can make it more dangerous. You should avoid taking the mix, if you are taking any prescription medication. Some people like to mix it with other drugs, especially alcohol and cocaine. Extasy effects are deadly, if you take such potentially dangerous mixes.

Extasy Information

You can get a lot of Extasy information and the harmful effects of mixes in the net. Though different people will react differently to drug combination, educating yourself about them can help you stay away from some drugs when on Extasy. Alcohol puts more strain on the kidneys and delays onset. Heavy drinking can cause dehydration. Alcohol is involved in many ecstasy related deaths. Amphetamines are commonly used by many people to extend the euphoric feeling caused by Ecstasy. However, this combination can place more strain on the kidneys and heart. It can also lead to paranoia, anxiety, depression and burnout. In order to come out of these effects, you need to use the natural antidepressant, such as St. John’s Wort, Gingko biloba and fruits. Some studies show that taking SSRI type anti depressant after taking Extasy may reduce neurotoxicity.

Extasy Effects

Many people abuse ecstasy to get the senses of feeling and touch that become extremely pleasurable. Though it may enhance sexual desire, it impairs sexual performance. Males who use ecstasy find it difficult to achieve erection, so the combine it with Viagra. Extasy information provided by professionals stresses that this combination can leave you open to increased risks of sexually transmitted diseases. The mixture of these two drugs can cause severe Extasy effects. Permanent damage of sexual organ is one among them. Dry mouth, dehydration and teeth clenching are some other Extasy effects.
Using Extasy with LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide) can cause a range of sensory distortions and hallucinatory effects. High doses of these drugs can cause panic, anxiety and other aspects of a bad trip. Natural antidepressant is effective in managing these effects.

Many sources provide Extasy information that helps you avoid some dangerous combinations. Mono amine oxidase inhibitors should be used with ecstasy. Some prescription and over the counter drugs, such as cold remedies and anti histamines have bad interactions when taken after using Ecstasy.

Long term usage of Ecstasy can cause depression. If you are experiencing depression or any other mental health problems, you should avoid taking it. Extasy affects the release and movement of the hormone called serotonin, which influences your feelings and makes your feel happy. Low level of serotonin means your body is experiencing depression. After taking Ecstasy, there may be an increase in the release of serotonin into your body, so you may feel happy, energetic and more confident. However, after the effects of the drug wears off, your body releases less serotonin, making you feel depressed. If you are experiencing depression already, it may worse the symptoms. Taking natural antidepressant is the safe and effective way to come out of these problems.