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E Pills Negative Effects

MDMA (Methylene-Dioxymethyl Amphetamine) or E PILL (Ecstasy Pill) is a drug. It is a synthetic drug with hallucinogenic and amphetamine-like properties. This drug is classified as a stimulant. It comes in the tablet form. It is also available in injections and powder form. E PILL is swallowed or can be injected. It is commonly used by adults and youths at raves, clubs and parties. Many people consume them at parties, raves, clubs, etc for mood enhancement and to keep on dancing. Ecstasy or MDMA is classified as ‘Schedule 1’ controlled substance along with the narcotics like cocaine, LSD, and heroin.

E Pills Effects

Let us discuss about the negative E PILLS effects or side effects those are observed for short term and for long term. Users of Ecstasy report that MDMA or Ecstasy produces the intensely pleasurable effects. The user experiences the enhanced sense, enhanced self-confidence and energy level. Peacefulness, empathy and acceptance are the effects of Ecstasy. Though person feel very happy, love, and affectionate towards the opposite sex, he or she experiences the feeling closeness with each other with a desire to touch others. Intake of E PILLS effects involuntary teeth clenching, transfixion on sights and sounds, loss of inhibition, nausea, chills or sweating, blurred vision, etc. The user experiences the increased heart beat, increased blood pressure, increased body temperature, and increased confidence. The negative facts about how Ecstasy pills effects the body are feeling of anxiety, loss of appetite, irrational behavior, convulsions, hallucinations, insomnia, paranoia, depression, etc after taking the drug.

E Pills Effects Information

The stimulant effect of Ecstasy drug enables the user to dance for extended periods. This can lead to severe hyperthermia, dehydration or dramatic increase in the body temperature. Due to this muscles breakdown, liver failure, kidney failure, and cardiovascular failure are reported with most of regular users of Ecstasy or MDMA. The E PILLS effects include sleep problems, depression, and anxiety.

Regular and continuous heavy intake of Ecstasy is always dangers rather taking a single E PILLS for the first time is absolutely wrong and should be avoided. In the long term, with the repeated use of MDMA may damage the cells those produce serotonin. Serotonin plays vital role in regulation of mood, pain, appetite, learning and memory. Repeated intake of Ecstasy has negative effect on memory and person may suffer from loss of memory.

Death is the ultimate and end effect of Ecstasy pills. Death is obvious with the regular users of Ecstasy or MDMA. This is due to overheating hyperthermia. Death often results due to too much drinking hyponatremia where excess fluid intake swells the brain and results in coma. Death is also caused due to stimulation of nervous system that results in heart attack and brain hemorrhage.

Stop repeated use of E PILLS when you experience hot feeling, unwell, become confused, unable to talk properly, headache, not sweating, vomiting, fast heart beat, tremors, urinating problems, loss of control over body movements, fainting, collapsing, etc to avoid negative or side E PILLS effects. E PILLS information above will definitely change your mind and save you from selecting a path towards death.