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Ecstasy If You Have Epilepsy

Ecstasy is far from being the safe drug its fan base tries to tout it, no matter if you suffer from a medical condition or not. However, in the case of those with epilepsy, the dangers of Ecstasy effects are even greater. The chance of experiencing a seizure is very high in people with epilepsy, and it does exist even in people without epilepsy. Ecstasy information that is now available strongly advises people with epilepsy to avoid using the drug.

How Ecstasy Influences Brain Activity

The pleasant sensations that are caused by Ecstasy effects are related to how to drug acts on brain activity. Because the release of the natural antidepressant known as serotonin is greatly increased, the person taking Ecstasy experiences enhanced senses. Music seems to sound better, colors look richer and lights provoke an euphoric like effect. These Ecstasy effects pretty much explain why the drug is so popular in clubs where the music is loud and the lights are intermittent. However, the pleasant feeling of natural antidepressant rush is accompanied by dangerous side effects.

What Happens In A Person With Epilepsy That Takes Ecstasy

Practically, the well known drug causes the same effects in everybody, but, for those with epilepsy, the pleasant sensations can have a dangerous turn. Exposure to powerful lights will quickly trigger a seizure, and the enhanced sensitivity will certainly worsen the condition. Ecstasy information related to epilepsy and drug consumption shows why this particular drug is to be avoided at all costs by people that suffer from this medical condition.

Interaction With Medication

Epilepsy is a condition that consists of the sides of the brain not communicating in a proper way. The medication for epilepsy tries to treat the condition, but if other active substances start acting on the brain activity, they may interfere in an unpredictable manner. In the case of epilepsy, Ecstasy information says that it is not wise to take drugs when taking medication for the said condition, because it can cancel their effects.

Long Term Ecstasy Effects

Ecstasy is also known for its neurotoxicity if used for a long time. There are cases, however, in which even when taken occasionally, Ecstasy caused brain damage. Brain damage is the last of Ecstasy effects that sufferers from epilepsy would want to experience. Ecstasy neurotoxicity affects the brain and the spinal cord, and memory loss episodes can occur, as a result. Seeing a neurologist is a must under such circumstances, in order to evaluate the damage and prescribe the right medication and treatment.

Is Ecstasy Safe For People With Epilepsy

In case you suffer from epilepsy, you need to take care of yourself a lot, in order to prevent the event of seizures. If you want to take Ecstasy just to feel the rush of the natural antidepressant, you should refrain. Drug use is strongly advised against for people suffering from medical conditions, as they can cause a lot of troubles in people with perfect health, anyway. Ecstasy effects can worsen the condition of epilepsy, which is why taking this drug is very dangerous for one’s health, as it increases the chances of suffering a seizure.