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Ecstasy Serotonin

Plenty of available Ecstasy information is related to the fact that the use of the drug can lead to a sudden release of serotonin, a natural antidepressant that is produced by the human body. Because serotonin is also called the ‘happiness hormone’, Ecstasy deserves its name as it induces a general feeling of euphoria that can last for a few hours. However, among the Ecstasy effects that may happen the next day, users will find depression varying from mild to more severe, depending on the individual. Basically, the user comes down from the high and they feel depressed.

Is The Post Ecstasy Depression Related To Depletion Of Serotonin In The Brain

The human body uses resources in order to work, and by releasing large quantities of the natural antidepressant called serotonin, it actually depletes its reserves. These reserves need time to get back to normal levels, which is why one of the unwanted Ecstasy effects that users may experience is the day after depression. Even if the user no longer experiences the euphoria caused by the excess of serotonin caused by Ecstasy, the body is still actually processing it, which means that it will take a while until the body receives the signal that it is time to secrete serotonin again.

Can This Condition Be Permanent

No, the depletion of serotonin in the brain caused by use of Ecstasy is not a permanent condition. The body will still produce the natural antidepressant, as pointed out by Ecstasy information provided by health care specialists. However, regular users of Ecstasy will experience depression more often than occasional users, and the ups and downs of the hormone production in the body will be felt more acutely.

How Do Ecstasy Effects Relate With Depression

Some Ecstasy information shows that there may be a relation between the use of the drug and depression that is already experienced by the user. Because of the feeling of well being caused by Ecstasy, there are teenagers and young adults that try to escape their feelings of depression by taking the drug. However, this is by far an ineffective treatment, as the Ecstasy effects, after the drug no longer affects the production of serotonin, are exactly the opposite. Actually, the use of this drug can lead to making the depression even more severe, as it does not solve the problem.

How Does Prolonged Use Of The Drug Influence The Production Of Serotonin

Dose and duration are two factors that influence the production of the natural antidepressant by the body. A larger dose of Ecstasy will cause the body to take more time to get back to secreting serotonin at its natural pace. The same thing happens with regular users. In order to fight these Ecstasy effects, it is needed to practice moderation, have a healthy diet, and sleep well. Because the body restores its natural processes while you sleep, this is a very important recommendation. Also, eating healthy foods will help the body cleanse the toxins released by Ecstasy.