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Drugs of any sort are regarded as foreign agents that alter the metabolism and body functions of living organisms. Today, drugs are not only being used to cure illnesses but in fact, they are being used as pleasure agents. E, XTC, X, ADAM, Hug, Beans, Clarity or methylenedioxymethamphetamineare all the names of drug called Ecstacy. Drugs are generally thought to be chemical agents, which are taken by humans in order to reduce pain and anxiety. The chemicals released off by drugs come between two consecutive neurons and sort of hinder in the delivery of chemical message to the brain. Medics and doctors to give instant relief to the patient use this state of “Highness”. Like all other hallucinating agents, Ecstacy is given in an administered quantity to check for any reactions with the body.

Ecstasy Usage

Now the question you may come across frequently is what is ecstacy? Many teens who have used E or are regular users of the drug, consider ecstasy to be harmless and a pleasure drug only. However, the reality is completely different. Ecstacy effects with prolonged use can result in the neuron death and as a result, the person can develop long term or permanent illnesses. The alarming thing found through ecstacy information is that ecstacy is now considered a club drug and easily available in discos and clubs, the street price of this drug has come down to about $5-7. Getting drugs at such cheap rates makes it popular among the young users, whereas the ratio of usage in older people is comparatively less.

Ecstasy Information

If you read upon ecstacy information you would know that ecstasy is drug which usually comes in the form of a pill and ha a prolonged buzz. This is probably one reason why ecstasy is so popular. Once a person pops E or in layman term, takes ecstasy, its takes around 10-15 minutes for the ecstacy effects to kick in. Once the person starts getting high, the ecstacy effect remains there for a good 6-7 hour period. In the state of highness the user may feel hyperactive, changes in his/her sensation. New user might throw up due to a state called “Head Spinning”. Ecstasy might lead fever or shivers as the chemicals of the drug causes imbalance and the body fails to maintain a proper temperature. Therefore attaining ecstacy information is mandatory for people who consume of plan to consume e pills.

Ecstasy Popularity

Ecstasy is growing in production and use. The younger generation takes this as the “In” thing now days. Hence proper education and awareness programs are required to be initiated about the use of E, especially in younger generation. Research shows that ecstasy does cause a lot of permanent harm to the body if taken in non- administered quantity. Problems such as anxiety, depression, hyperthermia, Loss of memory, Alzheimer, Seizure and other sleep problems are one of the few menaces that can be created with the use of Ecstasy by a person.

Ecstasy and Teens

Suspected teens should be properly talked about the harms this drug can cause. Parents should keep a proper check on their children and make sure to educate them about the harms of this drug. In addition, parents should be extra vigilant, as e pills addicts children might lie to their parents as the pills being natural antidepressant medications. Even though, doctors use some MDMA as natural antidepressants, these are usually made from herbs and do not fall under the category of synthetic drugs. Whereas ecstasy is a man made, drug and natural antidepressants are not. Ecstasy should be taken off the street and clubs and it is the responsibility of government and its aiding agencies to make sure that drugs of such sort do not reach the market.