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Exercise for Depression

Depression is a disorder that can affect various aspects of your day to day life. Though it is not uncommon to feel depressed at sometimes, feeling depressed for weeks or months is a symptom of some serious mental illness. If not treated, it can cause serious consequences on your physical and emotional health. If you prefer natural depression relief, you can find a lot of methods, from hyperforin as an antidepressant to exercises. Exercise for depression can help alleviate the symptoms and keep you relaxed. It can also increase your energy and balance. Depression relief through exercise is a safe, effective and simple way to improve your overall well-being.

How Exercise Can Provide Natural Depression Relief

Many studies reveal that people who do some exercises regularly have a positive mood and have reduced chances of getting depression. Exercise helps improve your self esteem and thereby helps to keep depressive mood at bay. While exercising, you body releases endorphins, a chemical that interact with the brain receptors, triggering a positive feeling against depression and diabetes as well. Exercise for depression can also provide you with many other benefits like reduced stress and anxiety and improved sleep. In addition, it helps improve your heart health, reduce blood pressure, strengthen bones and improve muscle tone.

Best Activities for Depression

Any type of exercise can help ease depression symptoms. However, there are some specific activities for depression, which aid you to get maximum benefits. If you decide to achieve depression relief through exercise, you can consider swimming. Swimming helps to cope with bad mood more efficiently than any other types of exercises. It stimulates brain chemicals that promote the growth of nerve cells. It also affects neurotransmitters like serotonin that releases a stress reducing hormone.


Yoga offers the best natural depression relief and protects you from depressive symptoms. Yoga exercise for depression puts pressure on your organs and glands, inducing them to produce the soothing chemical balance that is necessary to get a feeling of being well. It helps improve circulation and thereby sends energizing oxygen to your brain and muscles. The stretching movements in Yoga exercise helps eliminate toxins from your body, which help you, feel relaxed and revitalized.

Gardening and Other Activities

Gardening is one of the best activities for depression. Studies show that getting down and dirty in the garden can help increase the levels of serotonin in your brain. Another study shows that harvesting your food products from the garden can help release dopamine, which triggers a mild euphoria.  Spending some time playing and working in the dirt on a regular basis is therefore one of the natural, safe and effective method to get relief from depressive symptoms. Fast depression relief through exercise can be achieved by performing lower intensity aerobics for 30 minutes three to five times a day. Aerobic exercises create the same effect as antidepressant medications. Exercising on a treadmill, cycling, walking, mowing the lawn and playing actively with your kids are some of the best activities that can help you get rid of mild to moderate depressive symptoms.