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Extasy Powder Looks Like

Extasy, also known as E, X or Molly, is one of the many names you’ll find amongst the most popular drugs including marijuana, cocaine, heroine, acid and so on. Though the drug is not considered to be as lethal as heroine or acid, people who take Extasy are most likely to be addicted to a host of other drugs. This is where the risk of over dosing lies. Since Extasy is a natural antidepressant, lot of individuals take Extasy as a self-prescribed medicine to deal with depression.

Extasy Powder Information

This natural antidepressant is usually synthesized in clandestine labs. For this reason, the quality of the drug is always questionable. Extasy is usually available in the form of Extasy pills and Extasy powder. Extasy pills are available in a number of different colours, brands and shapes. The natural antidepressant is also available in different embossments. These variations often indicate the strength and composition of the tablet. MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine), colloquially known as Extasy, is usually not found in its most refined form in these pills. They are often spiked with other compounds such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, talcum powder and edible colours. Some pills are also spiked with some other illicit drugs such as cocaine, MDA (3, 4-methylenedioxyamphetamine), heroine or meth. This is one reason that tablets are usually considered to be risky.


The drug can also be found in its refined form as Extasy powder. MDMA powder is usually referred to as ‘Molly’ or ‘Mandy’. Extasy powder is produced in labs that synthesize the drug and provide it to tablet manufacturers. Extasy powder information is important to tell what it looks like and not mistake it for other drugs. Extasy powder is off-white or pale yellow in colour. Though it is called powder, Extasy powder information reveals that MDMA powder doesn’t really look like powder. A better way to describe Extasy powder would be Extasy crystals. In fact, the compound looks very similar to coarsely ground castor sugar with unevenly sized crystals.

Extasy Powder Effects

According Extasy powder information, a lot of street dealers grind Extasy pills to a fine powder and sell it as Extasy powder. Though you may experience Extasy powder effects, it won’t be as refined as the real thing. MDMA cannot be ground too finely since it cannot be broken down beyond a certain level. The powder is usually coarse and sticky. A lot of people also mistake cocaine and heroine for MDMA the results of which can be lethal. Any powder that is too fine and white is usually a spiked form of MDMA or not MDMA at all.

Extasy powder effects include feelings of euphoria, empathy and relaxation. People also prefer MDMA powder since it is easier to detect impurities with this powder. MDMA powder offers a lucidity due to which it is next to impossible to spike without noticeable changes in colour and texture. Though Extasy powder is very bitter when compared to pills, people have found a number of ways to ingest it including snorting, capsules or cigarette or toilet paper tablets.

Extasy powder effects take toll on not just the body but also the mind. In rare cases, the drug can also cause brain damage, coma and even death.