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Herbal Mood Enhancers

Depression is perhaps one of the most misunderstood and underestimated psychological disorders to have plagued the human mind. The symptoms of depression can be mild and go unnoticed for years together only to develop to a more severe form of the disorder or even worse, more complex psychological disorders and mood swing condition. Since every mind is different, the nature of manifestation of depression in each individual is also bound to be different. While antidepressants seem to have a reasonable effect on depression patients, the problem is not dealt with completely.

Dealing With Depression

To handle depression requires a combination of several methods and approaches to get the best results. While we only think of antidepressants when speaking of depression or dysthymia, something as simple as what you eat can also make a world of a difference to your moods. And when it comes to herbal mood enhancers, St. John’s Wort is probably the most popular choice across the globe. This herb has yellow flowers and is packed with several chemical compounds that have positive effects on depression patients. However, as is the case with most herbal mood enhancers, there is the mild risk of side effects or reactions to people whose body chemistry does not agree with this herbal mood enhancement technique. This why though herbal mood enhancers are the best way to handle depression, getting a doctors opinion always helps.


Protein rich foods abundant in SAMe, a molecule that helps counter depression, are also considered to be great for herbal mood enhancement. SAMe supplements for herbal mood enhancement have provided some encouraging results and promise to deliver much more in the future. The following are some of the other effective natural mood enhancers that have proven to be rather successful in depression treatment programs.


Valerian is other popular natural mood enhancers which is popular for its use for relief from anxiety. This mixture of roots is also used for people suffering from insomnia or other sleep disorders.


Lavender is yet another natural mood enhancers that works rather differently from most other mood enhancers. Lavender is used in teas, oils as well as aroma therapy as it is known to heighten feelings of relaxation and well-being. These treatments are known to be quite effective to treat depression as well as anxiety.

Natural Treatment Options for Depression

Apart from herbal mood boost, you can also consider other natural options such as consumption of vegetable oils and cold-water fish. These foods are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which helps counter the effects of depression and a host of other psychological disorders. Herbal mood boost can also be acquired by eating food products rich in B vitamins. These vitamins are responsible for the maintenance of the nervous system and also helps stabilize the membranes of nerve cells. Again, vitamin D has also been used to treat seasonal affective disorders. Kava Kava, a beverage quite popular for its herbal mood boost effects in the pacific islands, is also another useful solution for depression. It helps fight anxiety and makes a person much more relaxed during depression.