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How Long Do The Effects Of Extasy Last

Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) is the chemical name of extasy. The chemical effects and structure of MDMA are same to mescaline and to amphetamine. Extasy contains drugs such as ephedrine, ketamine, LSD, ephedrine, caffeine and dextromethorphan. Sometimes extasy even contains rich toxic drugs like paramethoxyamphetamine, which may be lethal also in low doses.  Extasy is generally available in form of capsule or tablet that can be swallowed. It is also sold in form of powder or tablets can be crushed and snorted. For longer effects of extasy, it is occasionally injected or even smoked. Extasy makes user more energetic for many hours.  Extasy use make user feel confident, alert, calm and loving. Natural antidepressant is present to lower down the side effects of this drug.

Extasy Use

In 1980s extasy use began like recreational drugs in the U.S. Young groups of people are the most common users of extasy. Due to the effects of extasy it is used by many young people in parties and clubs. A dose of extasy has on-set of approximately 20 minutes to 60 minutes. The effects of extasy usually, last for about two to four hours but it can last for about 6 hours also. Its effects are difficult to predict but they might last for weeks. It is even used by a huge number of people but there are many negative effects of extasy. Most of the users take other medication so that the negative effects of extasy comedown. Natural antidepressant is best to prevent this.

Extasy Comedown

Most of the users do not let the effects of extasy comedown, therefore they take an overdose. By taking a low dose of extasy, it increases the feelings of well-being and pleasure, increases closeness and sociability with others. Like the other stimulant drugs, extasy use can make you feel full of confidence as well as energy. Even with the low doses, this drug can have powerful negative effects. These effects involve jaw pain, high blood pressure, anxiety, nausea, sweating, increased heartbeat and blurred vision. However, lots of users go for natural antidepressant.

Extasy Dangers

If you are suffering from diabetes, heart disease or blood pressure then you must not use extasy. Higher doses of extasy include some toxic complications such as hallucination, psychosis, floating sensations, convulsions, paranoia and manic behavior. Doctors suggest taking natural antidepressant for preventing all these. Although the correct cause and total deaths from extasy use are daunting to determine. The admission records of the U.S hospital indicates that the use of extasy cause deaths through kidney failure, high blood pressure, brain bleeding, dehydration and excess heating of the body. The effects of extasy comedown after few days or even few weeks but if you get used to it, then it can ruin your life.

As you know that usually, for 2 days or few weeks the effects of this drug last. Extasy is related with the excess heating of the body as well as for users few precautions must be taken. It is recommended to avoid overheating and heat exhaustion, you must drink water continuously. Anyone who is developing toxicity by the use of extasy must be admitted for medical attention.