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Is There A Blood Test To Measure Seratonin Levels

Seratonin levels can be measured through a simple blood test performed at a medical facility mood boost. The seratonin information obtained this way can be very useful to identify the carcinoid syndrome, as it is known that patients suffering from this condition will often show a high level of natural antidepressant both in blood and urine. Yet, this blood test has nothing to do with establishing whether a depression condition is more profound or only situational. It is very important to perform the test when your blood is clean of drugs, as seratonin ecstasy use can show an increase of the neurotransmitter levels, masking a pre-existing condition.

Why doesn’t the blood test for seratonin help people with depression

It is known that depression equals having too little natural antidepressant in the brain, but the problem is not as easy as it seems. Seratonin information from medical sources shows that the real problems in people suffering from depression is not the fact that there is too little seratonin in their system and also what are the differences in serotonin between male and female. Seratonin ecstasy effects are related to a state of incredible well being, because the seratonin is all used up over a short duration of time. Actually, the natural antidepressant is reabsorbed so fast in the brain that the person does not get to feel the pleasant seratonin effects. This is why these people are treated with prescribed medicines that deal with the reuptake process of seratonin taking place in the brain, and not with medicines that would cause an increase of seratonin production. Taking drugs may give the illusion of working in such cases; seratonin MDMA rush helps releasing all the neurotransmitter that is available in the brain, but the consequences are dire. The seratonin effects that can be felt right away are a total cut of the production of neurotransmitter, which leads to a temporary, yet very intense, depression episode.

Seratonin tests and antidepressants

Unfortunately, a seratonin test that can determine which antidepressant is better for a person suffering from depression is yet to be developed. The fact that seratonin MDMA release can influence such tests is only a small part of the problem. Since the blood tests designed so far only deal with discovering the carcinoid syndrome, they do not play an important role in finding the right treatment for depression. The seratonin information that can be obtained by doctors through these tests cannot be used for such purposes, at least up to this moment.

What antidepressants have to do with seratonin production

Some wrongly assume that antidepressants can enhance the seratonin production, but this is not true. The only thing that antidepressants can do is to modify the seratonin effects, through a certain role; they act as reuptake inhibitors for the seratonin, and they do not allow it to be reabsorbed into the brain. Seratonin ecstasy use, for example, can release all the natural antidepressant that is present in the brain, blocking the reabsorbing process altogether. However, the seratonin MDMA effects that happen when this method of depleting the reserve of neurotransmitter is used for a very long time include possible brain damage.