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Kava Kava Ecstasy Hangover

A tall shrub, found in South Pacific Islands, mainly from the pepper family is called kava. It is also called “Kava Kava”. It is derived from Latin word “Piper methysticum”. People also know this tall shrub by many other names mainly, “Kawa”, “Sakau”, “Yagona” and “Kew”.  The root of “Kava Kava” is used as a Kava Kava Ecstasy as it is being chewed. People mix MDMA drug with Kava Kava leaves and this Kava Kava MDMA is used as liquid refreshment in ceremonial parties. People consume this Kava Kava Ecstasy as liquor to bail them out of sleeplessness, restlessness and uneasiness.

Kava Kava Information

A botanical name “Intoxicating Pepper” was set by an explorer Captain James Cook, who first uncovered Kava Kava. Over 3000 years, for therapeutic property it is being used as a
Natural Antidepressant for soothing, muscle relaxant, diuretic and unhappiness.

According to survey, 11 studies were been conducted upon 645 people in 2003. Kava Kava is an effective cure as an ecstasy hangover because it acts as an effective symptomatic treatment for uneasiness caused in the body. Teas, Yogi Teas are being used as herbal tea and can be used as a Natural Antidepressant for the treatment of Kava hangover.

Although Kava Kava Information is not clear yet, researchers are conducting many researches on kava to study how it works. But Kava Kava Side Effects can easily affect the nerves cells called “Neurotransmitters” which take facts from nerve cells to other cells.

Kava Kava Side Effects

Potential Kava Kava Side Effects include gastritis, lack of sensation in the mouth, skin rashes, headache and lethargy with visibility disorder symptoms. Another Kava Kava Information, for people with bleeding disorder should not use kava as it lowers down the blood pressure and also helps in blood clotting. Pregnant ladies should not take kava within 2 weeks of their surgery.

Kava Kava MDMA if taken with kava as a drug can cause drowsiness. Kava Kava Ecstasy must not be used with liquor or medicine for nervousness and sleeplessness with “benzodiazepines” such as Valium (diazepam) or Ativan (lorazepam). Different types of herbs and yoga can be uses as Natural Antidepressant to control the nerves and depression causing sleeplessness.

Kava Kava Ecstasy

Kava Kava Ecstasy drugs if taken with any herb can easily damage the liver. Kava may have chemical consequences if shared with Kava Kava MDMA antidepressant drug called “Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI). Kava Kava Information reveals that use of more kava can result in diseases like hepatitis, liver toxicity and liver failure.

Latest clinical study shows that kava is a harmless non-addictive, anti anxiety medicine and useful as remedy for nervousness. It is very useful as a pain consoler and can be consumed as a substitute of aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Advanced dose of kava can display more Kava Kava Side Effects like muscle weakness, drying of skin and many more. The root and rhizome are also used as Natural Antidepressant as an herbal product for treatment of various nervous system and are very effective on nerves. Proper information should be gathered before using any medicine to avoid any side effect.