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MDMA Comedown Prevention

Ecstasy users all over the world are very familiar with the nasty MDMA comedown effects that occur the next day after spending one night partying with friends. As MDMA comedown can be very difficult to cope with, due to the general feeling of having the entire body and mind washed out, many search for miracle remedies to suppress the comedown. Despite some claims that there are MDMA comedown remedies that can make you feel as good as new when you come home from a night out clubbing, such information is at least a bit off the mark. There is not much you can do to suppress an episode MDMA comedown, but there are things you can do in order to minimize its effects.

What To Do Before Going Out

MDMA comedown information offered by medical sources recommends having a meal rich in salty or spicy foods before leaving your home to go to a party where you intend to take ecstasy. Due to the dehydration that often occurs to heavy party enthusiasts, balancing body fluids by eating a hearty and healthy meal before going out is one of the MDMA comedown remedies that physicians recommend. Also, because the natural antidepressant produced by the brain will be depleted soon after you take ecstasy, helping the body cope with these MDMA comedown effects by drinking a lot of vitamin C rich fluids is equally important. Even if there is no clear evidence about how ecstasy affects the brain, helping it regain its natural functions easier can help a lot with MDMA comedown as well.

Sleeping Well

One of the hardest things to achieve after the agitation of the night before MDMA comedown is to get some rest. On the other hand, many MDMA comedown remedies include a good sleep, as this is the surest way to determine your body to regain its abilities to produce natural antidepressant. Different methods are recommended by MDMA comedown information that is now available, including taking sleeping pills or antidepressants, but you should skip this advice; a naturally induced sleep is much better, as taking other chemical based medicine can cause the MDMA comedown episode to last even longer.

Keeping Yourself Properly Hydrated

Drinking enough water during the night you spend under the influence of ecstasy is very important. MDMA comedown is made easier, if your body is kept well provided for the night before, and the pains you will experience will be less intense. Also, taking little breaks from time to time is highly recommended. Due to the high amount of natural antidepressant running through your system, you are likely to feel less pain and to tend to over-exhaust yourself dancing. Moderation is key, and you will be grateful the next day, when you will feel less messed up than usual, due to MDMA comedown effects.


Tryptophan is an amino-acid that plays an important role in the production of serotonin, the natural antidepressant that makes the ecstasy high feel so intense. MDMA comedown information says that taking supplements containing this amino-acid can make the hangover easier to deal with.