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Molly Comedown Effects

Molly is considered a chemical that is used in the pill called Ecstasy, which is also called E (can be considered the purest form of Molly). One pill of E contains about 100 mg of molly. This ingredient is considered illegal in most parts of the world but can still be availed from dealers worldwide, that is, illegally. Using MDMA in any way can provoke elation, intimacy with others, aggression, sensitivity to pain and diminished anxiety. MDMA may be an official drug but the way people have come about to use it is not considered to be legal or official. The use of such a drug leads to an increase in the chances of abusers to get depression and anxiety.

Molly Comedown Signs

Molly comedown is a term that is used to describe the phase when one is getting over the effect of this drug. It can be considered the hangover phase, which usually tends to last longer than a normal hangover. Before people decide to use E (or MDMA), they need Molly Comedown information and Molly Comedown effects, so they know what is to transpire. The whole Molly comedown process takes about a week to get over. The Molly comedown effects include: feeling emotionally and physically drained (meaning your mind and body feeling exhausted and anxious). Keeping yourself warm and surrounding yourself by gentle, ‘chill’ music will help you, as you need to help your mind and body relax. These two are some of the best Molly comedown cure. Molly comedown effects tends to leave people miserable and useless, but even then, people continue to engage this substance as it gives them an experience like never before.

Molly Comedown Cure

If people were aware of the molly comedown effects, then they would start pushing it away. Substance users need to be educated on molly comedown information and what it could do to a human being. From the molly comedown information we have gathered, most users of MDMA have given us their advice as to how to handle this phase and discover a molly comedown cure. Some people say that you should just take some natural antidepressants, eat, and sleep over it, use more drugs over it so that the effect can balance off and what not.

However, the question remains, what is the best molly comedown cure? The answer to this is natural antidepressants. The reason we say natural antidepressant is that the main side effect of MDMA or Ecstasy is that it increases the chances of depression, especially in the comedown phases. Natural antidepressants can include various methods and techniques. The most well-known of these methods is taking a herbal depression remedy. This remedy usually includes different types of medicines but before you do take up such a treatment, be sure to consult your doctor. There are also more natural means of dealing with depression like therapy, exercise, meditation and the like. Just remember that there are a lot of anti depressants out there in the market, but before you decide to take any one of these, a final consultation must be made because everybody has its own way of dealing with things.