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Molly Effects On Reproductive Organs

Molly is the jargon for “molecular”, is considered the purest form of MDMA (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) which is the main component of the ecstasy or e-pill, and is considered to act as a natural antidepressant. Molly is usually found in the form of powder and is considered more effective than e-pill. In many countries, molly is more easily available as compared to e-pill and so is preferred over ecstasy amongst many youngsters. In addition to this, the dosage of both the drug is more or less the same and so is the price.

Molly Use

The use of recreational drug generally does have severe side effects including direct effect on the reproductive organs but in the case of molly, the results have been surprisingly different. Many experiments and studies have been conducted worldwide to understand the consequences of MDMA on the reproductive organs of both animals and human beings. It was generally observed that the chemical did not directly have any effect on the reproductive organs however, in many cases where pregnant women used ecstasy and molly, it was seen that the chemical affected the fetus. Some of the newborn babies under e-pill and molly suffered from lungs and heart issues. The brains of such babies were abnormally small or large. Although molly users do not lose the ability to reproduce, but using the pill during pregnancy can be dangerous for both the health of mother and the baby.

Molly Effects

Molly like ecstasy is considered a natural antidepressant by most of the users and therefore women tend to use it during pregnancy without understanding molly dangers and its effects on the newborn. The main problem in this regard is that most of molly users are also addicted to a number of other drugs and alcohol; as a result, the effect of MDMA varies completely from person to person depending upon his other addictions.  Alcohol, marijuana, heroin etc. when mixed with molly can have devastating effects on human health and his/ her reproductive organs. Alcohol usage along with molly or e-pill can cause hormonal imbalances both in men and women; thus effecting both sperm and ovulation. Similarly, tobacco can reduce couples’ chances of conceiving largely. Marijuana and heroin can also reduce fertility amongst male and female especially when mixed with MDMA chemical in the body.

Molly Dangers

Most of the people lack proper knowledge about molly drug use dangers, especially during pregnancy and so continue using it throughout the period of nine months considering it as a natural antidepressant.  Doctors all around the world have concluded that the researches and studies conducted about MDMA, its effects on the reproductive organs are insufficient, and so it cannot be said with complete confidence that molly dangers are only short run and have no consequences on the reproductive cycle of the human beings. In addition to this, many people do not have information about the color or taste of molly, so many times, they consume molly as something completely different, and thus many have different effects on the body.

One should understand the importance of molly dangers, even if it does not as such affect the reproductive organs. After all, we are talking about our body and its organs, which are the essentials of our body. However, you cannot gain molly danger information unexpectedly; there is need of a source from which you can read up. Internet is one of the best sources for molly danger information; you will find all the researched information here from credible sources. Moreover, you have doctors available at hospitals that are more than willing to provide you with molly danger information. This information would further more enhance your understanding on molly drug use dangers so that in the near future you can put this information on molly drug use dangers into play.