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Personality Disorder Symptoms

If you suffer from personality disorder, you may have great difficulty in dealing with others. You may be rigid, inflexible and may not be able to respond to the changes and challenges in life. Though you feel that your behavioral patterns are normal, you find it hard to take part in social activities as part of the daily life and depression. There are many types of personality disorders. To understand the exact type, the doctor assesses the personality disorder symptoms you are experiencing and then decides the treatment option.

Based on personality disorder signs, the condition is categorized into three groups- Cluster A , Cluster B and Cluster C.

Paranoid Personality Disorder

In order to make paranoid personality disorder diagnosis, you must meet some criteria, which include thinking that others are lying to you, feeling that you cannot trust your friends, distrusting your spouse though there is no evidence to prove that he/she is unfaithful and thinking that there are some hidden meanings in normal remarks.

Schizoid Personality Disorder

Schizoid personality disorder signs include having no interest in developing intimate relationship, including sexual relationship, inability to understand normal social cues, giving priority to participate in activities that do not involve interacting with others and disliking criticism or praise.

Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Dressing, believing or behaving in a peculiar manner, feeling discomfort in close relationships, believing that you can influence people with your thoughts and believing that there are some messages for you in newspaper headlines, public displays and speeches are some of the schizotypal personality disorder symptoms.

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Lying or stealing persistently, violating the rights of others repeatedly, having difficulties in abiding laws and disregarding for others are some of the antisocial personality disorder symptoms.

Borderline Personality Disorder

To make borderline personality disorder diagnosis along with the bipolar disorder facts, the doctor may check whether you have impulsive or harmful behaviors, unstable mood, suicidal behavior, volatile relationship or fear for staying alone.

Histrionic Personality Disorder

Extremely emotional, unstable mood, extremely sensitive to others’ approval and too much concern from physical appearance are some of the histrionic personality disorder signs.

Avoidant Personality Disorder

If you are too sensitive to criticism or rejection, isolated from society, feel inadequate or extremely shy in social situations, you may suffer from avoidant personality disorder.

Dependent Personality Disorder

Too much dependence on others, tolerating deprived or abused treatment, urgency to start a new relationship when one has come to an end and a deep desire to be taken care of are some of the signs of this disorder.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Extreme perfectionism, rigidness, inability to discard broken or valueless objects and preoccupying with orderliness may indicate obsessive compulsive disorder.

If you have any personality disorder signs, it is advisable to seek the help of a mental health care professional as early as possible. The doctor makes some tests and asks you questions to make personality disorder diagnosis. Personality disorder can affect almost all aspects of life, if left untreated. The symptoms may become worse overtime without treatment. Medications and therapies are the effective treatment options that help you get relief from the symptoms and lead productive life.