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Physical Signs Of Depression

Depression is a mental issue. To put it in lay man’s terms it’s like a computer that has corrupted software in it. And just as how if the software is corrupted, it will interfere with the working of the hardware, in human terms too if a person has seratonin syndrome symptoms he or she will display physical manifestations of that problem.

Common Depression Symptoms

There are a number of depression symptoms and signs that will show you that a particular person has depression. The most commonly noted what is seratonin will be sadness, a feeling of hopelessness, guilt, sleepiness, and a feeling of perpetual exhaustion.

The problem with most of this depression information is that it is by no means exhaustive nor is it conclusive. The difference between people and computers is that all of us are not the same which means that the same problems need not have the same symptoms. Thus men will show different depression symptoms from women, boys from girls, and even youngsters from older people.

Explaining How Depression Affects People

Generally speaking women tend to turn their depression inwards which means that they tend to blame themselves while men tend to turn outwards and blame the world. Thus depression symptoms for a man may be aggressiveness, discontent, moodiness coupled with hopelessness and despair.

The biggest problem with depression symptoms is that while you get a lot of depression information on the symptoms, there is no surety that these symptoms are indeed a manifestation of depression. As one quote put it, just because a person is depressed does not mean that he or she is suffering from depression.

Other Signs Of Depression

Sadness, disappointment, even despair and depression are all part of life. There is no need to get worked up and go on depression medication just because you are sad about something. A simple example would be losing a loved one. Of course an individual is expected to display depression symptoms, but that is understandable. You don’t have to think that there is any need for natural antidepressant pills or depression medication for such a situation.

The problem comes in if these symptoms last much longer than normal. Bereavement is standard, but everyone understands that life goes on. The closer you are to a person, the longer it takes to get back to normal, but get back to normal most people do. A person is diagnosed with depression only if they do not.

In many cases natural antidepressant pills like the St John’s Wort extract is a very good panacea. It perks a person up, and if used wisely will be very effective. Other more potent depression medication is needed only in very rare cases.

In children however the depression signs are a little different. If the child is very young, any change in their normal behavior needs to be watched. They do not display any of the classic symptoms that adults or even teens do. In many cases children show depression only when they suffer abuse. And even natural antidepressant pills are not recommended for the very young.

A healthy individual is not only one who is healthy of body, but also healthy of mind. A healthy mind is a stable one, although everyone is allowed their own eccentricities. Even if you are very learned about depression information, if you have any doubts that someone you know is suffering from depression, consult with a good psychiatrist. It is not a diagnosis that is made easily, and definitely not something that can be done by unqualified people.