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Popularity of XTC

XTC, or ecstasy, as it is often called, is now known as the recreational drug that is used by young adults and teenagers at parties or in clubs. However, the XTC info offered by early history shows that things have not always been like this. Created as an appetite suppressant by German scientists in 1914, the substance was forgotten for a long period of time, only to be rediscovered many years after. The reason why XTC is so popular these days has something to do with certain XTC facts. The most obvious one is that it causes an intense sensation of happiness, determined by a large quantity of natural antidepressant that is released in the brain, while doing this drug. However, this is just one reason for its popularity, and there are others, as well.

A Few XTC Facts

The brain is specialized in producing neurotransmitters that regulate mood, behavior and everything we do. Serotonin is one of them, and its main role is that of a natural antidepressant; when there is enough serotonin in the brain, we feel good and happy, when there is not, we feel down and blue. XTC info shows that this drug basically takes all the existing serotonin and lets it invade the human brain, causing an elevated sensation of empathy and well being. Once the effects are gone, the XTC comedown that follows through has all the symptoms of lack of serotonin: physical pain, anxiety, depression, loss of appetite and insomnia.

XTC And Rave Parties

A particular effect of the natural antidepressant that invades the brain during drug abuse is that it makes it very easy to ignore pain. Also, the drug determines people to move in repetitive patterns, as XTC info points out, which means that it is seen as a great addition for a night out spent dancing and partying. The parties where the drug became popular were called ‘raves’, and it is quite the usual to associate XTC with the rave scene and the type of music that carries the same name. The rise in popularity of ‘raves’ was accompanied by the rise in popularity of ecstasy, despite the bad experiences of going through XTC comedown, the day after partying all night long.


Misconceptions about the drug also made it popular among the young. One of them is that this drug is harmless, and there is nothing bad coming your way if you are doing it. Although there are XTC facts that point out that there are very few number of deaths caused by XTC, this does not mean that the drug is harmless. XTC info offered by medical sources says that the drug can cause damage to the internal organs, and it can cause, at least, temporarily, brain damage. As the brain cells that produce natural antidepressant are abused, they are damaged, and, therefore, they cannot make the much needed serotonin. Still, it seems that there is not enough research to sustain long term effects of the drug, and that, even if XTC comedown episodes are hard to bear, they do not cause so profound damage to the body.