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Recommended Dose of Tyrosine for Depression

There are certain chemical substances in our brain which regulate our mood. These chemical substances are known as neurotransmitters. Important neurotransmitters are epinephrine, nor-epinephrine and dopamine or is there an effective natural way to treat depression.  Many of these neurotransmitters are produced from tyrosine amino acid. Hence, tyrosine increases mood elevating and mood stabilizing chemical substances in the body.

Natural Antidepressants

Low levels of these neurotransmitters in the body cause depression. It is believed that low levels of nor-epinephrine lead to depression or low mood.  According to tyrosine information depression causes, tyrosine is a natural antidepressant and elevates the mood as it normalizes the levels of these chemical substances in the body.

Tyrosine information reports that tyrosine is a food supplement and most of the people use it as a natural antidepressant. In normal conditions, tyrosine stabilizes the mood without producing any tyrosine side effects. In the body, tyrosine is converted to neurotransmitters, which in turn stimulate the nerves and elevate the depressed mood.

Many people use recreational drugs to relieve their anxiety or lethargy, but the recreational drugs do not produce their effects for a long time. They cause depression and low mood on the following days. Tyrosine supplementation can help this depression caused by such recreational drugs.

Tyrosine Information

Tyrosine information reveals that normal daily dose of this natural antidepressant (tyrosine) is 7 to 30 grams for the treatment of depression. Moreover, tyrosine dose is different for different conditions of the body. Tyrosine supplements are taken two times a day in its divided doses (7 to 30 grams maximum per day). It is better to take tyrosine 30 minutes before the meal time. Though potential tyrosine side effects have not yet been observed but higher than 30 grams per day may cause unexpected tyrosine side effects. So, it is necessary to take the doses of tyrosine supplements in accordance with the different conditions of the body as well as according to the advice of the practitioner.

Tyrosine is contraindicated in some conditions of the body like hyperthyroidism, Parkinson’s disease and melanoma. Tyrosine produces thyroid hormones, and in hyperthyroidism, it aggravates the condition by enhancing more thyroid hormone production. The patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease should also avoid tyrosine supplements, as they may be on drugs like L-DOPA. Thus, interaction between dopamine and tyrosine may produce unwanted outcomes.

In the similar way, when people are taking MDMA (Ecstasy), tyrosine supplements must be avoided as tyrosine MDMA (Ecstasy) combination does not benefit the body, rather it affects adversely. Thus, tyrosine Ecstasy combination is not recommended. In tyrosine MDMA combination, dopamine is produced in large amounts in 5HT serotonin terminals, which cause the depletion of serotonin.

You must not get confused with the terminology of tyrosine, tyrosine Ecstasy, MDMA ecstasy and tyrosine ecstasy. MDMA ecstasy is the condition of elevated mood after taking MDMA, while tyrosine MDMA is the combination of tyrosine and MDMA. Tyrosine ecstasy is again the condition which is caused by overdosing of the tyrosine supplementation. In nutshell, dose of the tyrosine supplement matters. If not used in proper amount, it may cause harmful effects.