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Recovering From A Club Drugs Addiction

Club drugs addiction is a relatively new issue, since these drugs have only hit the streets during recent years. One of the problems related to this type of addiction is that emergency rooms are not properly equipped to recognize cases of club drugs addiction, which is why diagnosing them correctly is a tough call, even for experienced health care professionals. However, club drugs addiction effects can be recognized, as they include nausea, dizziness, jitteriness, drowsiness, increased heartbeat and difficult breathing. Specific treatment for patients with these symptoms is described by recent club drugs addiction information as consisting of an intense detoxification program, followed by specialized monitoring.

Effects Of Club Drugs Addiction

Most of these drugs are popular because they release a large quantity of serotonin, the natural antidepressant the human body has at its disposal, over a short duration of time. However, after the high effects expire, the bad club drugs addiction effects appear. Severe depression, difficulty remembering recent events, a general state of feeling sick and other symptoms appear, making the comedown really hard to bear. Club drugs addiction information shows that dealing with a hangover is only a small part of the problem. With the depletion of the natural antidepressant in the brain, come other, more complicated problems. Among them, neurotoxicity and memory impairment on the long term are on top of the list.

Why Is It Hard To Identify This Type Of Drug Abuse And Addiction

Quite often, the symptoms of club drugs abuse can be mistaken for effects of other conditions and diseases. If the patient does not tell the health care professional in the emergency room that they took drugs, for the medical personnel, identifying club drugs addiction is quite a guess game. Since more elaborate tests cannot be conducted in an emergency room, it is hard to tell how many cases end up in hospitals after a wild night partying and getting high on natural antidepressant, due to drug consumption.

Club Drugs Addiction Treatment

Treatment for club drugs addiction effects consists of detoxification, a process that usually takes several days or about a week, followed by medical monitoring for the following weeks. While people suffering from club drugs addiction can relapse to drug abuse, this is to be expected and it is part of the recovery process. However, starting all over again can nullify the effects of the club drugs addiction treatment done before. The good news that even more severe club drugs addiction effects, like neurotoxicity, can be reverted, if a person gives up on drugs completely. Further club drugs addiction information can be obtained from treatment centers that specialize in treating such cases.

Without enough natural antidepressant in the brain, the drug abuser can experiences some tough club drugs addiction effects, like prolonged depression and memory impairment. If you want to know how to stay away from drugs, ask for more club drugs addiction information from your physician or a treatment center.