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Serotonin Syndrome Treatment

Serotonin syndrome is a common unpleasant drug reaction that can at times be life-threatening. In spite of common use of medications many physicians are not aware of how this Serotonin syndrome works and how to control the serotonin excess.  It is important for the family physicians to be more aware of this syndrome of serotonin.

Is Serotonin Syndrome Treatment Important

Serotonin syndrome treatment is essential to get over the serotonin syndrome in patients who use medications and are going through depression and low sex drive in women for example. Serotonin syndrome treatment is made easy if the triggering factors are analyzed well. It is observed that Serotonin syndrome arises when certain medications cause chemical serotonin to accumulate in high levels in your body. This can also occur when you tend to increase the dosage of a drug or add another drug to your chart. There are certain diet supplements and drugs that are directly associated with this syndrome of serotonin.

Serotonin is basically a chemical that is produced by your body and this is needed for the functioning of brain and nerve cells. However, too much of serotonin causes mild to severe symptoms like shivering, rigidity of muscles and even seizures. Some times if unattended severe serotonin syndrome can turn fatal.

Serotonin Syndrome Side Effects

Serotonin syndrome side effects can be anything from mild to severe. The excess serotonin can produce a range of symptoms that includes autonomic, cognitive and somatic effects along with treatment for major depression. Some times depending on the human body the symptoms may not be visible but for some it can be very severe and can turn fatal. This shows that the Serotonin syndrome side effects are not the same for all.

Understanding Serotonin Syndrome After Effects

Various drugs and combination of drugs can trigger the serotonin syndrome. Serotonin syndrome after effects can be understood better if the diagnosis of serotonin syndrome is done at the right stage. This would include observing all the symptoms shown by way of investigation and analyzing the history of the patient.

The syndrome also has some characteristic features that are similar to other illness and hence it should not be mistaken. If there is a mistake in the diagnosis then the serotonin syndrome after effects can be all the more severe.

The syndrome of serotonin can disappear within a day or two after the medications are stopped. However, there will be some visible symptoms. The symptoms that are commonly seen are

Mild Serotonin Syndrome Symptoms

•    Feeling of restlessness
•    State of confusion
•    Increase in the blood pressure
•    Heavy sweating
•    Headache

Severe Serotonin Syndrome

•    Very high temperature
•    Seizure
•    Heartbeat that is irregular
•    Unconsciousness

Once you feel that you have serotonin syndrome after you intake a new drug or after increasing the dosage of a drug you are currently taking it is time for you to call the doctor and get immediate treatment. In such cases, serotonin syndrome after effects that can be severe can be rectified with prompt action by way of treatment.