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Severe Depression Symptoms

Severe depression symptoms can be due to some of the factors like change in sleep patterns, insomnia, anger, guilt, irritability, pessimism, low energy drive, lack of interest in pleasure activities. What triggers these symptoms can also be due to a number of reasons like social phobia for example. Usually severe depression effects follow when the person has a big trauma, a bad relationship, loss of a loved one or it may just be inherited.


Stress is a major cause of depression and this condition calls for severe depression diagnosis. Today’s fast paced lifestyles are complicated and there is so much pressure to achieve that it causes severe depression especially in men who care constantly urged to achieve. Severe depression relief is found by way of therapy, anti-depressants and group counseling.

Severe Depression Relief

While most of the drugs used for severe depression symptoms, have their own side effects just like depression therapy side effects and the markets are being flooded with herbal supplements which are gaining popularity. They are manufactured from herbal and plant extracts and as such show no side effects.

Moreover they also have no contra indications with any drugs. They not only offer severe depression relief but can be used over a long period of time unlike anti-depressants.
Severe depression diagnosis is important as it needs to be treated immediately. Otherwise it can have adverse effects like suicide. The most important factor here if family support.

Severe Depression Diagnosis

Severe depression symptoms caused by past abuse or trauma can be very chronic as the person has had it over a long period of time. It can be child abuse by a parent or relative. In such cases severe depression relief can be possible not just by medication buy by counseling and group therapy and with a lot of encouragement from the family.

Sometimes cognitive group sessions are important for severe depression diagnosis. Past stress is also called distal stress and shows severe depression effects. This is an extreme condition and probably has gone unnoticed for a long time. In USA alone more than 15 million are affected by depression.

Depression Among The Genders

For some reason depression affects twice the number of women than men. Psychotherapy is another good way to treat severe depression. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a group therapy where negative behavior and thinking associated with depression is dealt with and the person is encouraged to change the way of thinking into positive thoughts.

Another therapy to deal with severe depression effects is interpersonal therapy where troubled relationships are treated. Electro-convulsive therapy is used in extreme conditions where medication and psychotherapy have failed and the patient is suicidal.

Severe depression is also called unipolar depression. Nowadays apart from drugs and therapy alternate healing like meditation, Bach flower remedies and aromatherapy is used especially during the maintenance period. Yoga and breathing exercises like pranayama is also very soothing for the mind. Yoga if done regularly along with breathing is sure to help in relieving depression. Acupressure and other treatments like homeopathy also promise treatments for depression. As long as the medications are certified by a doctor, it is safe to resort to any of the above said treatments.