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Single Dose Of XTC Harmless

A common belief among teenagers and young adults is that club drugs such as XTC are virtually harmless, and that taking a single dose cannot hurt them in any way. It is important to note, though, that such XTC info is not sustained by reality, and there could be many bad consequences for one’s health, even after taking only one pill. XTC facts show that a wide array of physiological and psychological problems can occur as a result of using ecstasy. Many users talk about the severity of XTC comedown, but they are not always aware of the other long term effects of using and abusing street drugs. Here is some information on why even a single dose of XTC can be harmful for the casual user.

Immediate Effects Of The Drug

The effects of this drug on the body will not go unnoticeable. They include increased heartbeat rate, pulse, and heightened body temperature. All these effects happen even after taking one single dose, which is why it can be harmful to even try the drug for only one time. Many are drawn into doing drugs by the promise of feeling the natural antidepressant in action, when the brain is invaded by serotonin, and everything seems pleasant. However, an XTC comedown episode should be enough to also drive people away, yet, this rarely happens. In case you suffer from a heart condition, or an illness of the internal organs, your health could be severely affected by the drug. XTC facts show that the cases that end up in emergency rooms because of drug abuse are usually related to other conditions and less with the actual use of drug. Use this XTC info to your advantage and understand why it can be harmful to take even only a single pill.

Is XTC An Addictive Drug

The opinions on this matter seem to point in one direction: XTC is less addictive than other drugs, but it can cause psychological addiction. Peer pressure plays an important role in this type of addiction, as XTC facts show. Many young people and teenagers use XTC at rave parties and other social gatherings, and they are doing the drug because their friends do it, too. Even the intensity of the following day XTC comedown does not convince them to give up, since they feel like they will be excluded from the group if they decide to back down from doing drugs. Also, because the release of natural antidepressant into the brain delivers very pleasant sensations, many are doing the drug again only to experience them again.

Can XTC Be Harmful

There are several ways in which XTC can be harmful for one’s health. Along with the abuse of natural antidepressant named serotonin, the receptors in the brain that produce it and use it are harmed by the use of drug. This results in mental confusion, anxiety and depression, among other things. An XTC comedown is associated with muscle pains, teeth grinding, loss of appetite, and insomnia. Also, the XTC info provided by medical care specialists shows that the use of drug can lead to severe dehydration, and even coma and death.