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Social Consequences of Molly

Molly also called MDMA or ecstasy is a special drug that is used to induce anxiety, euphoria, etc. it can also be used for some self enhancement, like dancing longer than usual at dancing competitions, and as recreational drug. You may try and get molly drug information before you start to take the drug. This will help you a lot since you will know everything about what you are taking. Even if you have been taking it before, you may still try to get the information. This usage of molly called for urgent attention from various governments health authorities of the world because of its adverse medical implications.

Molly Drug Effects

Initially, molly drug as a drug that is not a natural antidepressant was allowed to be used by anybody. But later, government authorities intervened because of some discovered molly drug effects that are dangerous to personal health of citizens. Though, molly is very useful medically especially psychotherapy but when used ordinarily, the adverse effects can affect one’s body system.

Speaking of the social consequences of molly drug, there are so numerous effects that are known as molly drug effects. These effects are either positive (advantages) or negative (disadvantages). The advantages are: a strong sense of self-acceptance and inner peace, diminished aggression, jealousy and hostility, Increased endurance and energy, Increased alertness, wakefulness and awareness, decreased pain sensitivity or Analgesia, increased desire, motivation and drive, Mild psychedelia which consists of hyperactivity, arousal and Stimulation, diminished fear, insecurity and anxiety, Extreme mood lift accompanied by euphoria, Improved self-confidence, Feelings of empathy, forgiveness and compassion, Feelings of intimacy, and so on. You can also eat any food that contains natural antidepressant.

Molly Drug Use

The fact about these positive effects is that molly drug users feel all these molly drug effects between 30 to 60 minutes after usage. The feeling will hit its performance peak approximately 1 to 1 and half hours. Thereafter, the feelings will hit plateau that will last for about 2 to 3 hours. After this plateau, the feelings will gradually come down for few hours. This ‘comedown’ is usually accompanied by some minor molly drug effects and fatigue. This molly drug information does not only contain the positive effects, it also contains the adverse effects. Since natural antidepressant does not need any molly drug information, you can use it.

Molly Drug Side Effects

The negative effects include: Psychological effects- Fatigue, Anxiety and paranoia, Irritability, depression, Impaired attention, concentration and focus, impaired motivation and drive, residual feelings of sensitivity, empathy, emotional, and sense of closeness. Physiological- Dizziness, vertigo or lightheadedness, Loss of appetite, Gastrointestinal disturbances, like constipation or diarrhea, Exhaustion, Insomnia, Jaw soreness, from bruxism or trismus, Aches and pains from extreme physical activity like dancing. If you want to avoid all these and need an alternative, you may take some foods that are natural antidepressant. These are all social consequences of molly. All these effects are to be considered by anyone who wants to start using molly or who has been using it with inadequate molly drug information.