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Tag Archives: gingko biloba effect on fertility

How Does Gingko Biloba Affect Fertility

Gingko biloba is a very old tree, literally. There are a number of specimens in Asia that are said to be more than 1000 yrs old, and in all that time, they have been used as a medicine to treat various illnesses. Although it is not completely understood, what little gingko biloba information we have says that the extract from the leaves somehow increases blood flow to the peripheral and cerebral regions of the brain. How exactly this helps is also not known, except that all the gingko biloba information we have says that it does help. Gingko Biloba Supplement Info For instances a number of studies have showed that the extract is very good at improving memory retention. It has also caused an improvement in the eyesight for those suffering from glucoma. Not only that it has recently been studied with people who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and it has proved to be as good as any other medication. Since it is herbal, there are also not too many gingko biloba side effects to worry about. Yet the one thing that you don’t find anywhere in gingko biloba information is whether they have any effect on fertility. Gingko Biloba And Depression Recently there have been reports of the extract being used as a natural antidepressant and sometimes like a gingko biloba ecstasy. Some people reason that because it has the effect of relaxing a person, it will be useful as a gingko biloba MDMA too. Whatever the case may ...

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