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Tag Archives: herbal mood enhancement

Herbal Mood Enhancement

Herbal mood enhancement may be the best possible solution for improving your mood, overcoming anxiety or symptoms of depression and even calming your nerves before an important occasion. Unlike prescribed pharmaceutical medication to treat these issues, enhancing your mood with herbs proves to be a safer and long lasting alternative. Herbs for mood enhancement along with natural supplements for mood swings can be taken both as an instantaneous pick me up remedy and also for long term cases of depression and anxiety. It can also be a good solution for those who are going through a rough phase in their life such as a financial crisis or loss. For those who get nervous before flying or speaking publicly in a big event, herbal mood enhancement remedies can definitely prove to be advantageous as well as music therapy as well for a calming effect on your mind. There are quite a few varieties of herbs for mood enhancement that are available. A few of them are as follows: St. John’s Wort St. John’s Wort is one of the most traditionally used herbs for treating problems like sadness, sleeplessness, anxiety, mood swings and even mild depression. It has been proved to alleviate the chemicals in the brain and ensure proper functioning of the brain. Sage Sage has since olden times been used as an antiseptic remedy for treating sore throats and coughs but it has more to offer than that. It is one of the most powerful herbal mood enhancement solutions. This ...

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Herbal Mood Enhancers

Depression is perhaps one of the most misunderstood and underestimated psychological disorders to have plagued the human mind. The symptoms of depression can be mild and go unnoticed for years together only to develop to a more severe form of the disorder or even worse, more complex psychological disorders and mood swing condition. Since every mind is different, the nature of manifestation of depression in each individual is also bound to be different. While antidepressants seem to have a reasonable effect on depression patients, the problem is not dealt with completely. Dealing With Depression To handle depression requires a combination of several methods and approaches to get the best results. While we only think of antidepressants when speaking of depression or dysthymia, something as simple as what you eat can also make a world of a difference to your moods. And when it comes to herbal mood enhancers, St. John’s Wort is probably the most popular choice across the globe. This herb has yellow flowers and is packed with several chemical compounds that have positive effects on depression patients. However, as is the case with most herbal mood enhancers, there is the mild risk of side effects or reactions to people whose body chemistry does not agree with this herbal mood enhancement technique. This why though herbal mood enhancers are the best way to handle depression, getting a doctors opinion always helps. SAMe Protein rich foods abundant in SAMe, a molecule that helps counter depression, are also considered to be ...

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Do Herbal Happy Pills Really Work

The term happy pills is just a colloquial name for antidepressants or as they are scientifically known, mood enhancers. It is only lately that the effect of certain chemicals on our moods have been understood, and this has spawned a number of pills that purportedly enhance our mood. Herbal Depression Remedies At First Initially all these chemicals were considered tyrosine hydroxylase medicines and were used to treat certain psychosomatic issues, but over the past decade they have started being used indiscriminately for even mildly depressed individuals. This is where the term “happy pills” come in. Almost all these drugs are prescription drugs and although the number of prescriptions have grown exponentially they are still available only under prescription. There are many people who may not have any underlying illness and may just want to take a mood enhancer occasionally. Until now this meant taking mood altering drugs like ecstasy that contained how do B12 vitamins affect fertility. Now however you get Natural Antidepressant pills that are available as a supplement. Natural Mood Booster Information For long certain plants have been known to have an effect on our moods, and ingesting them or inhaling their smoke acted as a natural mood booster. You don’t have to look too far for these. In Native American culture, medicine men used such plants to get into a state of trance when they say visions that meant a great deal to the future of the tribe. Nowadays however it is possible to obtain supplements that ...

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