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Tag Archives: lithium serotonin booster

Is Lithium A Serotonin Booster Or Stabilizer

Lithium is one of the lesser known elements that find rather crucial use in our systems. Besides its usual action in body, one of the most important roles that lithium plays in human body is that to regulate serotonin levels and why do men have mood swings. According to recent additions in serotonin information, lithium was found to be a booster for levels of serotonin in human body. Lithium Information Various studies conducted on rats and later on humans revealed a positive correlation between lithium levels and that of serotonin in the body. Serotonin effects under the influence of lithium are likely to increase peaceful mood. This happens mainly because lithium makes more sites available for serotonin release. It is pretty clear from rest of the serotonin information and an overview of serotonin effects in the body that this natural antidepressant is rather important for normal functioning of the brain. Lithium Effects Being so important, human body closely regulates the levels of this natural antidepressant through various mechanisms. However, under certain conditions like a medical situation or use of substances like serotonin ecstasy, serotonin MDMA and other such drugs, the serotonin effects in the body are likely to alter mainly because a changed level of this neurotransmitter in the body. Even in situations of clinical depression, the main effect is on the serotonin levels of the body. It is in such conditions that results of these studies are bound to be breakthrough. This latest addition to rest of the serotonin ...

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