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The Drug Molly

The molly drug is a common party drug known for its psychedelic effects on the user’s minds. The molly drug is also commonly known as ecstasy or mdma for those looking for molly drug information over the net. If you have been surfing the net looking for molly drug information and how to justify the use of molly drug, then this article is designed to undo your justification and tell you how potentially harmful the molly drug effects are to your body and mind. However, before going into the potentially harmful part, here is some information about the nature of the drug and a brief history of the same.

Molly Drug Information

Molly of MDMA is actually a chemical compound in its purest form, chemically known as methylenedioxymethylamphetamine or C11H15NO2. German scientists Mannish and Jacobsohn actually accidentally invented this psychedelic chemical compound in 1912. This accidental discovery was made when the scientists were exploring the intermediate chemical compounds to a particular vasoconstrictor known as hydrastinin. Although discovered in the early 20th century, yet the psychedelic effects of mdma did not come into notice until unless the next 40 years. The drug slowly began to gain acceptance in the hippie era of the 1960s, but still it was largely obscured.

Molly In The Mainstream

The major break for molly happened in the 1970s when renowned American Psychoanalyst Alexander Shulgin started exploring the drug on himself as well as in his psychiatry practices. Shulgin soon discovered that mdma was greatly beneficial in psychiatry practices, especially in treatment of Post Traumatic stress Disorder, but he kept the beneficial effects of mdma under wraps to prevent its abuse by drug users.

Molly Drug Uses

Apparently, the wraps were not so well founded because following Shulgin’s experiments with the drug,  molly soon began to gain huge popularity among college students in the 1980s. It was the era of rave parties and molly was a huge hit among partygoers who discovered the psychedelic effects of the drug. Shulgin began to be hailed as the ‘father of ecstasy’ and many people, especially college goers discovered molly as a favorable drug. So much was the popularity of the molly drug effects that the pills began to be distributed freely along with drinks in bars. Around  mid 80s, on the pretext of widespread abuse, the molly drug began to be banned. So much so, that in 1985 a group of people sued the federal government to prevent the drug from being banned, thus attributing widespread national exposure to  the drug. Molly drug was ultimately banned in 1985. Despite the ban, the drug is still widely available in party circuits.

In this context,  one point needs to be clarified that molly drug effects have some very potential harmful effect on the body of the user, leading to depletion of the natural serotonin level in the brain cells. Molly is not a natural antidepressant as it is so often marketed by the drug cartel. It is a synthetic chemical and there is no reason why you should believe it is a natural antidepressant. The real natural antidepressant is the neurochemical serotonin, whose secretion is artificially heightened by the effects of the drug.