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Tryptophan For Depression And Anxiety Does It Really Work

Depression and anxiety has become a cup of tea in millions of homes today. We just never lack something that will tick us off. We are in constant depression and our moods are always blue due to too much worrying. The use of both natural anti-depressants and unnatural ones has become common in our lives just like breathing; everybody is doing it.
While using the SSRI anti-depressants gingko biloba has reasonably help in reducing depression and anxiety in us, no one ever warned us of the side effects. Now we have a much bigger problem getting rid of the multiple side effects due to the negative responses to these drugs.

Natural Antidepressants

SSRI anti-depressants have been reported to cause addictions, weight gain, vertigo and  acute withdrawal symptoms. Drugs still get cleaned off the shelf by consumers despite the constant negative symptoms they bring e.g. drowsiness. The answer now is to look for alternatives. One alternative medical science offers is the natural anti-depressant, tryptophan.

But still the debate continues; many are contemplating whether the natural supplement is indeed an anti-depressant or is it a common tryptophan when to avoid gingko biloba also known as tryptophan MDMA? and how different it is from other SSRI drugs? If it passes for stress reliever then definitely the next thing to think of is tryptophan side effects.

Scientists, however, submit to us today that tryptophan is indeed a natural occurring anti-depressant with little or no side effects to come with. It has the ability to take away stress, anxiety and depression minus the morning drowsiness and nausea feelings caused by drugs.

Trytophan Effects

While it still remains hard to believe that an amino acid can function as a natural anti-depressant, here are a few facts to go with. Tryptophan is transformed to 5-HTP and eventually serotonin in the body. Serotonin is a body neurotransmitter that helps in calming down the nerves and generally contributes to the body feeling good. Many patients who complain of depression, insomnia and anxiety actually exhibit low levels of serotonin in their blood. Tryptophan thus acts as a serotonin additive and serves the sole function of raising the serotonin levels in cases where they are depleted.

That established another challenge faced is in buying the right tryptophan supplement from the many counterfeits that flog the market only for economic gains. It is practically hard to sort out the bad seeds from the good ones in the market variety; however a few pointers can be given into buying the best supplements and not fall for knock offs.

Well you can always turn the supplement bottle and read the tryptophan information written on it. If the bottle doesn’t bear the certified seal of international bodies governing production of pharmaceutical products, the supplement is not worth your cash. Another red flag is the manufacturers behind it. This can easily be determined by asking other users who have tried supplements from different companies.

Alternatively you can check online for valid companies that produce tryptophan; user reviews also help a lot in determining the best. Tryptophan does work as a natural anti-depressant the only problem is that its production is restricted following a report on counterfeits that killed people back in the 80’s from an Asian Company that produced them.