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Untreated Depression

Depression is a serious mood-related psychological disorder in itself. The ambiguity associated with its symptoms makes it that much harder to detect. This, in turn, also puts patients at the risk of the disorder going undetected like anger followed by not knowing about anger management. Untreated depression which gets to a clinical level is a serious hazard to both, physical and mental health. One of the biggest untreated depression dangers is that it puts a person at the risk of alcohol and drug abuse. However, this is not where it ends. Individuals with untreated depression may also face difficulties at work and relationships which may backfire drastically. This may worsen the condition even further turning it into a vicious cycle.

Stress and Diagnosing Depression

There is never enough stress laid on the importance of detecting a disease like depression definition at an early stage. Since the disease has no physical manifestation, at least in the initial stages, people tend to take it lightly. However, one of the biggest untreated depression dangers is that treatable chronic depression can spiral out of control and take the form of major depression or clinical depression. This more complex form of depression has its effects on the body as well as the mind. This kind of depression affects even the most basic aspects of your life such as eating and sleeping patterns. Everything from your self-concept to what you think about things around you takes a major dip which eventually have an effect on your cognition.

Depression Effects

The worst thing about depression is that people suffering from depression cannot just “get it together” and be functional again. Without the right kind of treatment which may include psychotherapy and/or antidepressants, there is really no other way that depression can get better. This is where untreated depression dangers may manifest in more than one form. This kind of depression may last for days, weeks, months or if things get to bad, even years.

Symptoms Of Untreated Depression

If untreated depression symptoms are not addressed in time, they can take a severe toll on one’s physical health. A lot of studies make the point that patients with untreated depression making a recovery from coronary artery disease or stroke usually take much longer to get back to normalcy. Many studies also point to the fact that patients of major untreated depression also suffer from a higher risk of death during the first few months of recover right after they have suffered a heart attack.

Other common untreated depression symptoms include disturbed sleep cycles. Insomnia is one of the most common untreated depression symptoms found in most patients. Other common symptoms of untreated depression include:

– Daytime fatigue

– Being up for long hours in the night

– Inability to get back to sleep once an individual has woken up

– Irritability and difficulty in concentration

– Feeling gloomy about life almost all the time

– Suicidal thoughts

– Loss of interest in most activities; pleasurable or mundane

There is no end to untreated depression spiraling out of control. From drug/alcohol abuse and family problems to potential risk of death, untreated depression can have varying effects on people. This leaves no doubt about the fact that though the disorder may seem harmless, it is important to treat it in the moment it is detected.