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What are SSRE

SSRE is the term used for selective serotonin reuptake enhancers, a category of antidepressants that are meant to balance the levels of serotonin in the brain. The natural antidepressant made by the human brain, which is serotonin, is very important for processes like where to buy kava kava, eating, and sex, but having too much of it in your system can be quite bad. SSRE information shows that the role of these medicines is to help the brain reuptake the excess serotonin. This is not a loss, and it can help receiving a serotonin boost later on, when the brain receives the signal that it is time to release more of the natural antidepressant it has in its reserve.

When are SSREs needed

There are drugs such as SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) that have the role of regulating the natural antidepressant processes when there is too little serotonin present. SSREs have the exact opposite role. They intervene when there is too much serotonin around the brain synapses, and they help the brain reuptake the excess for later use. Another thing that sets apart SSREs from SSRIs is the fact that is pmdd inheritited and are newer than the consecrated anti-depression medications. However, since serotonin syndrome is a real danger that can occur when a serotonin boost lasts for too long, the role of SSREs is a much needed one.

Advantages of SSREs

SSREs have certain advantages over SSRIs. For instance, they have less side effects of sex drive, and SSRE effects are much quicker than in the case of SSRI medicines. They can help in the case of depression, because they regulate the metabolism of natural antidepressant, and they are of great aid in avoiding severe conditions like serotonin syndrome. The SSRE information available so far shows that these medicines can be quite effective, but, even with all the research conducted so far, SSREs are not yet for sale in the United States and Canada.

Are SSREs a new hope

Medicines that treat depression can have a wide array of side effects. One of the reasons for which many patients give up on their anti-depression medication is the impact on sexual functions. While a serotonin boost can be ensured through antidepressants, this does not guarantee that there will not be any side effects. The metabolism of natural antidepressant in the brain is very important, because on it depends on whether a person can function normally or not. For this reason, the fact that SSRE effects do not include the usual side effects of SSRIs, such as insomnia and poor sex drive, is worth taking into consideration. SSREs can be considered the new treatment for depression, but there is not enough SSRE information to convince patients with depression that it is time for them to change their medication.

Until more studies on SSRE are conducted, it is not easy to say whether these new drugs are a better choice for patients with depression, than SSRIs. Obviously, more research is needed, to prove that the advantages of SSRE effects are also accompanied by safety and efficiency on the long run.